fluxcd / website

The Flux website and user documentation
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Trim landing page #1327

Closed dholbach closed 1 year ago

dholbach commented 1 year ago


stefanprodan commented 1 year ago

The feedback I got from several people who are not into cloud-native is that our homepage is cluttered and the info is duplicated. I think we should trim down the things we show on the home page.

dholbach commented 1 year ago

What's left to be done, is to merge the "gitops ar your fingertips" and "flux in short" sections. Help would be appreciated for this.

dholbach commented 1 year ago

Current sections are

🤝 Flux provides GitOps for both apps and infrastructure Flux and Flagger deploy apps with canaries, feature flags, and A/B rollouts. Flux can also manage any Kubernetes resource. Infrastructure and workload dependency management is built in.

🤖 Just push to Git and Flux does the rest Flux enables application deployment (CD) and (with the help of Flagger) progressive delivery (PD) through automatic reconciliation. Flux can even push back to Git for you with automated container image updates to Git (image scanning and patching).

🔩 Flux works with your existing tools Flux works with your Git providers (GitHub, GitLab, Bitbucket, can even use s3-compatible buckets as a source), all major container registries, fully integrates with OCI and all CI workflow providers.

🔒 Flux is designed with security in mind Pull vs. Push, least amount of privileges, adherence to Kubernetes security policies and tight integration with security tools and best-practices. Read more about our security considerations.

☸️ Flux works with any Kubernetes and all common Kubernetes tooling Kustomize, Helm, RBAC, and policy-driven validation (OPA, Kyverno, admission controllers) so it simply falls into place.

🤹 Flux does Multi-Tenancy (and “Multi-everything”) Flux uses true Kubernetes RBAC via impersonation and supports multiple Git repositories. Multi-cluster infrastructure and apps work out of the box with Cluster API: Flux can use one Kubernetes cluster to manage apps in either the same or other clusters, spin up additional clusters themselves, and manage clusters including lifecycle and fleets.

✨ Dashboards love Flux No matter if you use one of the Flux UIs or a hosted cloud offering from your cloud vendor, Flux has a thriving ecosystem of integrations and products built on top of it and all have great dashboards for you.

📞 Flux alerts and notifies Flux provides health assessments, alerting to external systems, and external events handling. Just “git push”, and get notified on Slack and other chat systems.

👍 Users trust Flux Flux is a CNCF Graduated project and was categorised as "Adopt" on the CNCF CI/CD Tech Radar (alongside Helm).

💖 Flux has a lovely community that is very easy to work with! We welcome contributors of any kind. The components of Flux are on Kubernetes core controller-runtime, so anyone can contribute and its functionality can be extended very easily.

Declarative Describe the entire desired state of your system in Git. This includes apps, configuration, dashboards, monitoring, and everything else.

Automated Use YAML to enforce conformance to the declared system. You don’t need to run kubectl because all changes are synced automatically.

Auditable Everything is controlled through pull requests. Your Git history provides a sequence of transactions, allowing you to recover state from any snapshot.

Designed for Kubernetes Declaratively configurable using Custom Resources, state reports in the object’s status and via Kubernetes Events, and integrations with Kubernetes RBAC

Out-of-the-box integrations Support for e.g. Kustomize, Helm; GitHub, GitLab, Harbor and custom webhooks; notifications to most team communication platforms; and many more.

Extensible Easily create a continuous delivery solution with only the components you need, or use the GitOps Toolkit to extend Flux. Use YAML to enforce conformance to the declared system. You don’t need to run kubectl because all changes are synced automatically.