Departed NZWN on NZWN/16 ATVE1Q SABDA Y622 MESIX H159 CH Y266 ELRUV ELRU4B NZQN/23. The terrain map and peaks mode function worked okay during the initial departure, but some time during climb I noticed the peaks were 0/0 and on changing modes the terrain map disappeared.
[FBW-SimBridge] Info 5/20/2023, 14:55:17 [NestFactory] Starting Nest application... - {} +23ms
[FBW-SimBridge] Info 5/20/2023, 14:55:17 [InstanceLoader] AppModule dependencies initialized - {} +1ms
[FBW-SimBridge] Info 5/20/2023, 14:55:17 [InstanceLoader] HttpModule dependencies initialized - {} +0ms
[FBW-SimBridge] Info 5/20/2023, 14:55:17 [InstanceLoader] ConfigHostModule dependencies initialized - {} +0ms
[FBW-SimBridge] Info 5/20/2023, 14:55:17 [InstanceLoader] TerminusModule dependencies initialized - {} +0ms
[FBW-SimBridge] Info 5/20/2023, 14:55:17 [InstanceLoader] TerrainModule dependencies initialized - {} +0ms
[FBW-SimBridge] Info 5/20/2023, 14:55:17 [InstanceLoader] ServeStaticModule dependencies initialized - {} +0ms
[FBW-SimBridge] Info 5/20/2023, 14:55:17 [InstanceLoader] ConfigModule dependencies initialized - {} +0ms
[FBW-SimBridge] Info 5/20/2023, 14:55:17 [InstanceLoader] InterfacesModule dependencies initialized - {} +0ms
[FBW-SimBridge] Info 5/20/2023, 14:55:17 [InstanceLoader] CoRouteModule dependencies initialized - {} +0ms
[FBW-SimBridge] Info 5/20/2023, 14:55:17 [InstanceLoader] HealthModule dependencies initialized - {} +0ms
[FBW-SimBridge] Info 5/20/2023, 14:55:17 [InstanceLoader] WinstonModule dependencies initialized - {} +0ms
[FBW-SimBridge] Info 5/20/2023, 14:55:17 [InstanceLoader] UtilitiesModule dependencies initialized - {} +0ms
[FBW-SimBridge] Info 5/20/2023, 14:55:17 [McduGateway] Remote MCDU websocket initialised - {} +0ms
[FBW-SimBridge] Info 5/20/2023, 14:55:17 [RoutesResolver] CoRouteController {/api/v1/coroute}: - {} +0ms
[FBW-SimBridge] Info 5/20/2023, 14:55:17 [RouterExplorer] Mapped {/api/v1/coroute/length, GET} route - {} +0ms
[FBW-SimBridge] Info 5/20/2023, 14:55:17 [RouterExplorer] Mapped {/api/v1/coroute, GET} route - {} +0ms
[FBW-SimBridge] Info 5/20/2023, 14:55:17 [RouterExplorer] Mapped {/api/v1/coroute/list, GET} route - {} +1ms
[FBW-SimBridge] Info 5/20/2023, 14:55:17 [RoutesResolver] UtilityController {/api/v1/utility}: - {} +0ms
[FBW-SimBridge] Info 5/20/2023, 14:55:17 [RouterExplorer] Mapped {/api/v1/utility/pdf, GET} route - {} +0ms
[FBW-SimBridge] Info 5/20/2023, 14:55:17 [RouterExplorer] Mapped {/api/v1/utility/pdf/list, GET} route - {} +0ms
[FBW-SimBridge] Info 5/20/2023, 14:55:17 [RouterExplorer] Mapped {/api/v1/utility/pdf/numpages, GET} route - {} +0ms
[FBW-SimBridge] Info 5/20/2023, 14:55:17 [RouterExplorer] Mapped {/api/v1/utility/image, GET} route - {} +0ms
[FBW-SimBridge] Info 5/20/2023, 14:55:17 [RouterExplorer] Mapped {/api/v1/utility/image/list, GET} route - {} +0ms
[FBW-SimBridge] Info 5/20/2023, 14:55:17 [RoutesResolver] TerrainController {/api/v1/terrain}: - {} +1ms
[FBW-SimBridge] Info 5/20/2023, 14:55:17 [RouterExplorer] Mapped {/api/v1/terrain/renderingTimestamp, GET} route - {} +0ms
[FBW-SimBridge] Info 5/20/2023, 14:55:17 [RouterExplorer] Mapped {/api/v1/terrain/renderingThresholds, GET} route - {} +0ms
[FBW-SimBridge] Info 5/20/2023, 14:55:17 [RouterExplorer] Mapped {/api/v1/terrain/renderingFrames, GET} route - {} +0ms
[FBW-SimBridge] Info 5/20/2023, 14:55:17 [RoutesResolver] HealthController {/health}: - {} +0ms
[FBW-SimBridge] Info 5/20/2023, 14:55:17 [RouterExplorer] Mapped {/health, GET} route - {} +0ms
[FBW-SimBridge] Info 5/20/2023, 14:55:17 [RouterExplorer] Mapped {/health/kill, GET} route - {} +0ms
[FBW-SimBridge] Info 5/20/2023, 14:55:17 [NestApplication] Nest application successfully started - {} +0ms
[FBW-SimBridge] Info 5/20/2023, 14:55:18 [NetworkService] Local IP is - {} +0ms
[FBW-SimBridge] Info 5/20/2023, 14:55:18 [NetworkService] mDNS server started, simbridge.local is available - {} +0ms
[FBW-SimBridge] Info 5/20/2023, 14:55:18 [NestApplication] FlyByWire SimBridge started on: - {} +0ms
[FBW-SimBridge] Info 5/20/2023, 14:55:18 [McduGateway] Initialised on - {} +0ms
[FBW-SimBridge] Info 5/20/2023, 14:55:19 [PrinterService] Current Printers: OneNote for Windows 10,Microsoft XPS Document Writer,Microsoft Print to PDF,HP Receipt,Fax,Brother MFC-L2713DW Printer - {} +0ms
[FBW-SimBridge] Warn 5/20/2023, 14:55:19 [PrinterService] Printer disabled or null printerName - {} +0ms
[FBW-SimBridge] Info 5/20/2023, 14:55:31 [TerrainService] Read MB of terrainmap: 231.57 - {} +0ms
[FBW-SimBridge] Error 5/20/2023, 14:55:31 Connection failed: Unable to open a connection - Retry in 10 seconds - { stack: [ 'TerrainService' ] } +0ms
[FBW-SimBridge] Info 5/20/2023, 14:55:34 [TerrainService] ARC-mode rendering activated - {} +0ms
[FBW-SimBridge] Info 5/20/2023, 14:55:36 [TerrainService] Initialized the map handler - {} +0ms
[FBW-SimBridge] Info 5/20/2023, 14:55:39 [McduGateway] Client connected - {} +0ms
[FBW-SimBridge] Error 5/20/2023, 14:55:42 Connection failed: Unable to open a connection - Retry in 10 seconds - { stack: [ 'TerrainService' ] } +1ms
[FBW-SimBridge] Error 5/20/2023, 14:55:52 Connection failed: Unable to open a connection - Retry in 10 seconds - { stack: [ 'TerrainService' ] } +0ms
[FBW-SimBridge] Error 5/20/2023, 14:56:03 Connection failed: Unable to open a connection - Retry in 10 seconds - { stack: [ 'TerrainService' ] } +1ms
[FBW-SimBridge] Error 5/20/2023, 14:56:13 Connection failed: Unable to open a connection - Retry in 10 seconds - { stack: [ 'TerrainService' ] } +0ms
[FBW-SimBridge] Error 5/20/2023, 14:56:23 Connection failed: Unable to open a connection - Retry in 10 seconds - { stack: [ 'TerrainService' ] } +0ms
[FBW-SimBridge] Error 5/20/2023, 14:56:34 Connection failed: Unable to open a connection - Retry in 10 seconds - { stack: [ 'TerrainService' ] } +1ms
[FBW-SimBridge] Error 5/20/2023, 14:56:44 Connection failed: Unable to open a connection - Retry in 10 seconds - { stack: [ 'TerrainService' ] } +1ms
[FBW-SimBridge] Info 5/20/2023, 15:00:31 [McduGateway] Client connected - {} +0ms
[FBW-SimBridge] Info 5/20/2023, 15:00:31 [McduGateway] Simulator connected - {} +0ms
I had two SimBridge clients connected... the plane, and a thermal printer relay (using the MCDU interface). Both were also connect when the terrain was working fine.
#!/usr/bin/env python
import asyncio
import json
import textwrap
from escpos.printer import Win32Raw
import websockets
# tune for your printer
def flatten(t):
return [item for sublist in t for item in sublist]
def printer(message):
p = Win32Raw(PRINTER_NAME)
p.set(align='left', smooth=True)
async def printer_relay():
async with websockets.connect("ws://localhost:8380/interfaces/v1/mcdu") as websocket:
while True:
message = await websocket.recv()
if message.startswith('print:'):
msg = json.loads(message[6:])
lines = flatten([m.replace('\\n', '\n').splitlines() for m in msg['lines']])
output = '\n'.join([textwrap.fill(l.rstrip(), COLUMNS) for l in lines])
Departed NZWN on
. The terrain map and peaks mode function worked okay during the initial departure, but some time during climb I noticed the peaks were 0/0 and on changing modes the terrain map disappeared.Log:
I had two SimBridge clients connected... the plane, and a thermal printer relay (using the MCDU interface). Both were also connect when the terrain was working fine.