flycheck / flycheck-eglot

Flycheck support for eglot
GNU General Public License v3.0
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flycheck-mode doesn't immediately check errors when the file is opened #5

Open IceAsteroid opened 2 months ago

IceAsteroid commented 2 months ago

The first time, the file is opened, doesn't display flycheck errors in eglot.

It needs to start editing the buffer to show flycheck errors.

Flymake works fine. It shows errors when the file is first opened in eglot.

intramurz commented 2 months ago


Could you please clarify which compiler/environment you're having trouble with? I made several small experiments: introduce an error into the code, save the file, kill the buffer, restart Emacs, open the file, look at the list of errors. I only experimented with tools that I use myself. For c/c++ (clangd) and python (pylsp), the error is detected immediately upon opening, everything is fine. Flycheck and eglot settings are default (more or less). Things are getting worse for rust, but the problem seems to be more in the design of rust (and rust-analyser) itself.