flyduino / kissfcv2-firmware

Kiss FC v2 firmware releases
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Blackbox Issues #5

Open joshuahardee opened 4 years ago

joshuahardee commented 4 years ago

It seems that there is an issue with blackbox on kiss v2 fw 1.3RC34c and newer. Specifically the gyro seems to be eratic and not compatible with the newer Betaflight BB Viewer 320 or 331. Logs and gyro seem to be ok in the old CleanFlight BB Viewer but that viewer has limited features and is unmaintained. Are there any plans to fix BB on Kiss V2. Is there a better method or viewer I should be using for Kiss and BlackBox?

I am ready to assist with anything needed to be able to start getting readable BB logs from Kiss FW.

Your help is greatly appreciated.

schm00tzig commented 4 years ago
