flyfj / RGBDMaze

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Error in Using scene_labeling_cvpr2012 #2

Open dingfg opened 7 years ago

dingfg commented 7 years ago

Hi and thank you for the great effort on this work. Now I hope you can help me .Thank you! when I run script_run_superpixel_labeling_nyu_depth.m error happened,after run convert_dataset.m . I have [nyu_depth_data_labeled.mat] , but I don't know where [segmentation] file come from .

accelData <2284x4 single> depths <480x640x2284 single> images <4-D uint8> labels <480x640x2284 uint16> names <1x1418 cell> namesToIds <1x1 containers.Map> rawDepths <480x640x2284 uint16> scenes <2284x1 cell> rootdir='../nyu_depth/'; imgdir=[rootdir '/images/']; depthdir=[rootdir '/depth_uint16/']; depthdir_raw=[rootdir '/depth_raw/']; labeldir=[rootdir '/labels/']; basesegdir=[rootdir '/segmentation/ucm_base/']; ucm_dir=[rootdir '/segmentation/ucm_half_gpb'];
flyfj commented 7 years ago

You might need to download the original dataset to run the code. Take a look at here: