flyingdoog / PGExplainer

Parameterized Explainer for Graph Neural Network
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Disconnected motifs in BAMotifs #10

Open steveazzolin opened 2 years ago

steveazzolin commented 2 years ago


I was playing around with train_BA-2motif.ipynb when I realized that some input graphs are not as expected. Specifically, by running this code after the cell where you read the dataset:

for i in adjs:
    d = nx.from_numpy_array(i)
    if not (nx.is_connected(d)):

I saw that there are about 40 graphs that are disconnected and in which the target motif has a self-loop. This behavior is unexpected after reading the dataset description of the original paper.


apurvakokate commented 2 years ago

Related to this: the paper mentions a connectivity constraint applied as cross entropy of adjacent edges but I cannot find the implementation in the code. cc: @flyingdoog

steveazzolin commented 2 years ago

@apurva94 I believe you can find it in /codes/forgraph/ Btw to me is not clear to which implementation we should refer to between /codes/forgraph/ and /codes/