flyingeinstein / Restfully

Arduino library for making Rest compliant APIs on the ESP8266 with embedded Uri arguments
MIT License
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Fixes to make 0.2.0-beta work with ESP32 #3

Closed brunokc closed 5 years ago

brunokc commented 5 years ago

[It may be cleaner to compare with the 0.2.0-beta tag in order to see the actual changes]

These were the changes I needed to do in order for the libary to compile and work in PlatformIO.

Summary of changes:

brunokc commented 5 years ago

As mentioned before this branch was created on top of the 0.2.0-beta tag so it probably won't merge clean against master as this PR has been set up as (it may be easier to compare against 0.2.0-beta tag to get a clean diff).