Open GJJellyfish opened 1 year ago
I can't seem to reproduce the issue. Are you using any non-default setting? (or simply post your emu.cfg)
config.pvr.rend = 3
VmuSound = no
backend = auto
disable = 0
MK-51049 = D:\retroarch\cheats\Sega - Dreamcast\Marvel Vs. Capcom 2 (RetroArch Cheats).cht
BoxartDisplayMode = yes
Debug.GDBEnabled = no
Debug.GDBPort = 3263
Debug.GDBWaitForConnection = no
Debug.SerialConsoleEnabled = no
Debug.SerialPTY = no
Dreamcast.AutoLoadState = no
Dreamcast.AutoSaveState = no
Dreamcast.AutoSavestate = no
Dreamcast.Broadcast = 0
Dreamcast.Cable = 0
Dreamcast.ContentPath = D:\bizhawk\Dreamcast\ISOs
Dreamcast.ForceWindowsCE = no
Dreamcast.FullMMU = no
Dreamcast.HideLegacyNaomiRoms = yes
Dreamcast.Language = 1
Dreamcast.Region = 1
Dreamcast.SavestateSlot = 0
Dynarec.Enabled = yes
Dynarec.idleskip = yes = no
FastGDRomLoad = no
FetchBoxart = yes
ForceFreePlay = yes
LuaFileName = flycast.lua
PerGameVmu = yes
Profiler.DrawGUI = no
Profiler.Enabled = no
Profiler.FrameWarningTime = 0.018182
Profiler.OutputTTY = no
Sh4Clock = 200
UploadCrashLogs = yes
UseReios = no
aica.AutoLatency = no
aica.BufferSize = 2822
aica.DSPEnabled = yes
aica.NoSound = no
aica.Volume = 100
pvr.AutoSkipFrame = 0
pvr.MaxThreads = 3
pvr.rend = 2
rend.AnisotropicFiltering = 1
rend.CrossHairColor1 = 0
rend.CrossHairColor2 = 0
rend.CrossHairColor3 = 0
rend.CrossHairColor4 = 0
rend.CustomTextures = no
rend.DelayFrameSwapping = no
rend.DumpTextures = no
rend.DupeFrames = no
rend.EmulateFramebuffer = no
rend.ExtraDepthScale = 1.000000
rend.FloatVMUs = yes
rend.Fog = yes
rend.MaxFilteredTextureSize = 256
rend.ModifierVolumes = yes
rend.NativeDepthInterpolation = no
rend.PerPixelLayers = 32
rend.PerStripSorting = no
rend.PixelBufferSize = 536870912
rend.RenderToTextureBuffer = yes
rend.Resolution = 480
rend.Rotate90 = no
rend.ScreenStretching = 100
rend.ShowFPS = no
rend.SuperWideScreen = no
rend.TextureFiltering = 0
rend.TextureUpscale = 1
rend.ThreadedRendering = yes
rend.TranslucentPolygonDepthMask = no
rend.UseMipmaps = yes
rend.WideScreen = no
rend.WidescreenGameHacks = no
rend.vsync = yes
ta.skip = 0
MouseSensitivity = 100
RawInput = no
VirtualGamepadVibration = 20
device1 = 0
device1.1 = 1
device1.2 = 1
device2 = 0
device2.1 = 1
device2.2 = 1
device3 = 0
device3.1 = 1
device3.2 = 1
device4 = 0
device4.1 = 1
device4.2 = 1
maple_sdl_joystick_0 = 0
maple_sdl_joystick_1 = 0
maple_sdl_joystick_2 = 0
maple_sdl_keyboard = 0
maple_sdl_mouse = 0
maple_sdl_mouse_\\?\HID#VID_1532&PID_0073&MI_00#8&3b861349&0&0000#{378de44c-56ef-11d1-bc8c-00a0c91405dd} = -1
ActAsServer = no
EmulateBBA = no
Enable = no
EnableUPnP = yes
GGPO = no
GGPOAnalogAxes = 0
GGPOChat = yes
GGPOChatTimeout = 10
GGPOChatTimeoutToggle = yes
GGPODelay = 0
LocalPort = 37391
MultiboardSlaves = 1
NetworkOutput = no
Stats = yes
server =
OpenGlChecks = no
fullscreen = yes
height = 480
left = 536805376
maximized = no
top = 536805376
width = 640
Platform / OS / Hardware: Windows 10 22H2 Github hash: dca048981 Hardware: Radeon RX 570
Description of the Issue
After starting a match, and when bringing up the emulator menu after the referee says "Fight!", the wrestler's body parts start shimmering and random sprites appear around them.
How to reproduce: