flyingmachine / emacs-for-clojure

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Make sure custom-set-variables and custom-set-faces are before Customizations #10

Closed luisgerhorst closed 4 years ago

luisgerhorst commented 9 years ago

I very new to emacs but I just had a lot of trouble because custom-set-variables and custom-set-faces were run after the scripts in customizations.

For example, I tried to install emacs-color-theme-solarized and I put all commands listed under their install section into themes.el and simply could no make it work.

I also found this emacs config and they made customise put all it's directives into a extra file which seems to be a good idea.

Please excuse me if the stuff I'm telling is pure garbage ;) just wanted to share my problems and see if it helps.

flyingmachine commented 9 years ago

Thanks for letting me know. It's strange that that would be the cause for you, as the custom-set-variables calls seem harmless. Were you also still loading the tomorrow night theme?

luisgerhorst commented 9 years ago

No, I added the Solarized directory to my custom-theme-load-path and then (load-theme 'solarized). Two things that seem to be the problem are custom-safe-themes so you don't get asked every time you open Emacs if Solarized should be allowed to execute code and frame-background-mode to choose the light / dark theme. Both have to be set before the Solarized code gets executed I think.