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Super Notifier #11

Open swdeason opened 3 years ago

swdeason commented 3 years ago

I have been receiving duplicate notification from Super Notifier on the new Smartthings app. So I sent an email to Smartthings and they inform me that Super Notifier is considered a old Smartapps for the Smartthings Classic and that I need to remove it to fix the issue. I see in the notes of the app that fixes have been applied to work with the new Smartthings app. Can someone confirm what needs to been done to correct the duplications?


flyjmz commented 3 years ago

Did you delete the old classic app from your phone? Some people had duplicates because they had both SmartThings apps on their phone so they got a notification from each. If you did, have you changed anything else? Are you getting duplicates of everything or just specific triggers? I transitioned to the new app when they made us back in October-ish, and haven’t had any issues with Super Notifier. I have a ton of alerts from it too (it’s the only thing that actually a sends notifications in my setup). The folks at SmarrThings are right that it’s using the old smartapp system, but it isn’t deprecated yet and should work fine. The only thing I’ve noticed is that there is a bug in the new app when setting a custom time, the wheels don’t work right. So I haven’t been able to modify those. Let me know more details and we should be able to fix it.

swdeason commented 3 years ago

No I'm only working off of the new app the old has been deleted. I have noticed the only ones I get duplicate ones are my light notifications. Here is a screenshot example.Screenshot_20201230-203916.png

swdeason commented 3 years ago

From Smartthings Dear Steve,

Thanks for the screenshots.

Upon looking at your account, you have SmartApps installed from Classic app with these light devices, specifically SmartApp called "Super notifier". This is old SmartApp installed in the IDE and recommend you disable it once and check the issue.

swdeason commented 3 years ago

Screenshot of setupScreenshot_20201230-204229.png

flyjmz commented 3 years ago

That is really odd. I assume you've double-checked and didn't accidentally set up two different triggers for that light bar? I've done that a few times myself, not realizing that a new automation for something else would have the same result. After double-checking, I'd probably just delete that trigger and recreate it and see if that fixes it. It wouldn't make sense for only one of those triggers to double notify, it's all using the exact same code, so I would bet you accidentally duplicated it somehow. The other thought is if it's just that one device. It could be something they changed in the device's firmware that makes it report twice. If it is just that device and not all the ones in that trigger, then look at the device's history and see if it's displaying on and off status doubly there too.

swdeason commented 3 years ago

Had the same thought but when I checked that switch is only set up for one notification on or off. Attach our screenshots of setup and history. The lights are Sengled bulbs.


swdeason commented 3 years ago

Forgot to mention... I have deleted the setup three times and it still comes up with duplicate notifications.

flyjmz commented 3 years ago

Dang, and the bar light isn't selected in any other instances within Super Notifier? I just set up a test instance to notify when a switch is turned on like yours, and I only get the one instance. It's happening when you are just manually turning the light on and off, right? I get double notifications on some of my stuff because I have it set to notify me when it turns on, but I also have it set to notify me if it's on when I leave and I have an automation to turn it on when I leave. So every time that happens, I get two notifications.

Beyond that, I would recommend scrubbing every childapp/trigger instance within your Super Notifier set up to make sure it isn't duplicated somewhere. Literally, deselect it from anything else within the app in case there is an unintended/unintentional execution happening. The code hasn't changed in forever and I can't replicate it, so it's most likely something you have set up accidentally. Is it just the Bar light or is it all the lights?

swdeason commented 3 years ago

The notifications are coming thru when I use my voice thru google home to activate the device to turn on or off or thru a Smartthings routine that is setup (if door opens light turns on) There about 8 to ten others. Sengled bulbs included garage light, innr my garden lights, get toogle switch back porch light etc.

swdeason commented 3 years ago

Here is a screen shot of the Live log on the Bar light. It is showing two notifications for on and two for off.



swdeason commented 3 years ago

Did a test...I turned the notification off for the bar light on or off through super notifier and I get no notifications at all. Then reactivated the bar light notification through the app and it still doubles.