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飞出国-NSNP指南 #1

Open flyeven opened 8 years ago

flyeven commented 8 years ago




flyeven commented 8 years ago

飞出国: NSNP 在线申请扫描件要求:pdf格式,有颜色的要彩色扫描,黑白的可以用灰阶扫描模式,分辨率不低于 300 dpi,不要编辑扫描件内容,尽量减小单个上传文件大小,所有上传文件总大小不能超过 15M。

flyeven commented 8 years ago

飞出国:Express Entry profile number and Job Seeker Validation Code 可以在收到 NSOI 邮件后5天内提交,届时不提交的申请将作废。因此建议提前申请好 EE 主动提交 number 和 code 。

Express Entry profile number: Applications received without an Express Entry profile number and Job Seeker Validation Code will not be processed.

The NSOI will send an email request to you for the profile number and code. If no number or code is received within five business days, your application will be closed.

flyeven commented 8 years ago

飞出国:nsnp 随行子女年龄要求是 19 周岁,对翻译要求不能是家庭成员,不能是帮准备资料的付费代理。还需要提供翻译能力或翻译资质的证明。最简单有效的办法是公证。

Certified Translation of Documents: When documents are not in English or in French, the principal applicant must submit a copy of the original document and a copy of the certified translation. The Office of Immigration will only accept translations prepared by certified translators.

Translators must be certified by a regulatory body and cannot be a family member of the applicant or spouse, or common-law partner, or work for a paid consultant or representative who is preparing the application. The applicant must also supply proof from the translator describing their translation ability or certification.

flyeven commented 8 years ago

飞出国: NSNP 审理周期是3个月以上,有结果后会email。然后会在 CIC EE 里被邀请,申请移民签证。

. The processing time for a completed application eligible for consideration can take three months or more depending on the time required for the verification of documents included in the application and on the volume of applications received. Nomination under the NSNP is at the sole discretion of NSOI.

flyeven commented 8 years ago

飞出国:NSNP EE 紧缺职业类别既可以在线提交也可以纸质提交:

Apply through Nova Scotia’s online service at where you can:

Apply by mailing paper applications to:

Nova Scotia Office of Immigration PO Box 1535 Halifax NS B3J 2Y3 CANADA

flyeven commented 8 years ago

飞出国:NS 对紧缺职业清单的说明如下,

If your occupation falls within this list, research it before applying to the Nova Scotia Demand: Express Entry stream. One of the challenges Canadian employers face when hiring international candidates is that standards for training, education, and certifications can be different from place to place.

Some professions, like those in the health care industry for example, are regulated. This means certain qualifications or training certifications are required for employment. You may already have the training needed, but if it was gained outside of Nova Scotia it may not be fully recognized. Employers and regulatory bodies will need to determine the Nova Scotia equivalent to help them decide what positions you qualify for. This will also help you decide if there are any additional training or upgrades you may need.

Even unregulated professions have generally-accepted credentials. Despite extensive training, you may need further education/training to upgrade or verify that your abilities meet Nova Scotia standards.