flyphp / flyframework

Please Use Laravel Framework, I will work on a plataform based on Laravel
MIT License
7 stars 3 forks source link

My Apologies for the License mistake, and why I've started this fork? #7

Closed allanfreitas closed 9 years ago

allanfreitas commented 10 years ago

First of all, @taylorotwell sorry for the mistake with the license, I should only have added to the file FlyPHP, I've quickly made the changes that have already decided to do because I wanted to start a project using it, and go making some changes during this project.

My apologies to the community Opensource, PHP community and the Laravel community around the world for this mistake with the license.

Since the 27th Feb I was on a farm(my wife's family farm) without internet, and I received an SMS from a friend on March 4 informing me of the situation, so I went to the nearest town (19 miles away), to merge this PR, and fix this mistake with the license.

--------------------About this Fork-------------------- I've started to fit my needs, my only mistake here was the License wrong changes. I don't want to take credit for someone else's work. I will improve and change several things, and if somebody wants do use it and help on it I will apreciate, but if nobody wants to use it, I will maintain that code until I need it. FlyPHP will always be free, I will never sell the code or packages of FlyPHP, like Laravel is free and always will be.

Thanks for all the comments on the issue #1. Thanks for your patience, and I'm leaving this issue open for some days.

@taylorotwell @antoniofrignani @Kindari @stevelacey @1stvamp @mauran @mitchellvanw @pedrommone @ShawnMcCool @killswitch @GrahamCampbell @mjdugan14 @Jaspur @chrispitt @renege @juukie14 @lstables @antonioribeiro @keevitaja @RSully @luizpedone @eduardocruz @jtreminio @trq @koomai @Garbee @Bilge @HiroKws @thatonefreeman @kfogel @padraic @renan @rdohms @sineld @harikt @enrichit @Anahkiasen @dshoreman @stormpat @dualbus @ibrahimyu

Some Links that are talking about my mistake:

HiroKws commented 10 years ago

Welcome FlyPHP as llight-weight laravel! :)

RSully commented 10 years ago

I could have missed something, but I don't think you addressed these copyright issues:

Without trying to add to the fire, this also has code taken from @JeffreyWay and @laravelbook: (commit fdfe81c) (commit c91b0d1) (commit 6a79f76)

renege commented 10 years ago

you should close it and stop trying to be a developer

ShawnMcCool commented 10 years ago

Holy shit, man. That's a crazy thing to say to another person.

allanfreitas commented 10 years ago

@RSully I will open a issue to manage the other 3 things, today. I'm on the way to the job now.

jeroenvdgulik commented 10 years ago

@renege that is a pretty shitty thing to say to someone who openly apologized and is trying to clear things up.

xtrasmal commented 10 years ago

+1 Shawn And Thumbs down to the demotivator @renege swine

allanfreitas commented 10 years ago

@ShawnMcCool @jeroenvdgulik I'm apologizing and fixing things, but there are people who are super-heroes and never miss.

xtrasmal commented 10 years ago

@allanfreitas you deserve a pink horse for bravery and enthousiasm and honousty. To guide you on your future endeavors!

sineld commented 10 years ago

You should remove this repo.

rdohms commented 10 years ago

@renege and @sineld its actually both of you who should give up on being developers. Community is about embracing not shunning. @allanfreitas is addressing all issues with copyright and has hiw own reasons for operating on a fork. Hopefully the changes he needs can even be contributed back to Laravel some day.

Comments like yours are toxic, pathetic and completely against the OSS spirit. You should learn from names like @ShawnMcCool how to nurture a good community, as your attitude reflects a lot on how people from the outside see Laravel and its community. How bout you try to act like civilized people?

benjaminreid commented 10 years ago

@allanfreitas Good job on clearing things up, go make cool shit and ignore the children.

sineld commented 10 years ago

This is not a way of development; fork, rename, remove copyright. @rdohms become civilized than come and write here.

ShawnMcCool commented 10 years ago

I suspected since day one that this was just a matter of someone doing something and not knowing the precise details about how to go about it. (regarding copyright, etc)

What harm is honestly done? We all make mistakes and in this industry, every new thing that we do is full of ignorance. There's only one way to learn, right?

renege commented 10 years ago

Thank you @sineld - that is what I mean.

And come on, seriously, why cuddling with the guy? In the real world you would be fired big time by such a "mistake".

ShawnMcCool commented 10 years ago

This is the real world. When you don't give people the permission to make mistakes, you remove your permission to make mistakes as well.

sineld commented 10 years ago

@ShawnMcCool +1

mitchellvanw commented 10 years ago

@sineld he's going fix the copyright issues, what more do you want? A written letter hand delivered to you front door saying he's sorry? You should stop now before you make an ass out of yourself... Oh wait, this already happened

ibrahimyu commented 10 years ago

The MIT license says you can do whatever you want, except removing the copyright notice. So when you merged the pull request, there's nothing illegal left.

Just a suggestion: since you have no intention to sell FlyPHP anyway, you could just contribute to Laravel core. Unless most of your pull requests are rejected and you have many philosophy differences, of course. But that is not the case (

If you want to create something new, you can just create components individually, use packages from packagist and just create a new framework. No need to fork entire Laravel codebase, then. Again, this is only a suggestion.

1stvamp commented 10 years ago

@renege I'd fire you for being a dick tbh, I'd rather work with people who can act like civilised human beings with each other.

@allanfreitas :+1: for honesty and responsibility. As suggested you may want to consider contributing back to core, but quite honestly there is not a damn thing wrong with making and maintaining a fork like this.

\m/ ^_^ \m/ open source

rdohms commented 10 years ago

@sineld Fork; Rename; Go in a different direction is totally the developer way. The only mistake was the copyright change, which is now fixed and was an honest mistake.

Could he contribute to Laravel core? Maybe, if he takes it in a different direction then the core want to go, those PRs will be rejected. I say go for it, fork it, change it, and if there are things in it that make sense for Laravel, then send PRs there and see what happens.

Its the same thing Facebook did, and now they are sending RFCs for PHP to inherit those new features, some get rejected some don't, both communities and projects flourish.

Would i recommend forking and creating a whole new identify out of the gate? No i would wait until the project matures and those custom things are actually implemented, but who am I to tell him how to run his project?

Also treating people with respect gets more results then anything else.

sineld commented 10 years ago

There is nothing more I will say on this topic. Regards.

Bilge commented 10 years ago

Wow, seeing all the mini Otwells in this thread is just sickening. The entire purpose of open source is to fork and build upon existing software but all you Otwell ass snorters are denouncing anyone who tries to do this. What a bunch of cunts you are @renege @sineld

ShawnMcCool commented 10 years ago

For the record, Otwell is not the big dick that he may sometimes appear as. He's a genuinely nice guy and he never one flamed Allan.

Otwell has been getting a lot of shit from members of the PHP community because he made something that's caught on and now everybody outside of Laravel has made it their personal mission to tell him how he should change his creation. When he wants to do it his way, they harass him long-term. Mostly, it's people who are trying to either sell books or their own frameworks.

Yes, things could be handled better sometimes. But, being a part of the greater PHP community can be really freaking shitty. The non-stop harassment has a real effect on the people who are just trying to make open-source software.

I'm not going to continue talking in this thread. But, there's a genuine culture of 'if you're not with me, you're against me, and i won't let you forget it' in PHP. Not everyone of course, but enough to be hugely toxic. I find myself withdrawing more and more as time goes on.

@allanfreitas sorry for shitting up your thread.

allanfreitas commented 10 years ago

@ShawnMcCool Thanks for your contribution on this thread.

I have @taylorotwell on my skype. It's a nice person,

I've talked with him sometimes, and I know that as big as any community grown, it has any type of people going into and out, and such as a city, more people, more troubles, more dificult is for the "city leadership" to satisfy everyone. In my opinion, If someone doesn't like something of the city, go, and live in another city. Regards.

mwdhouse commented 10 years ago

Good on you @allanfreitas for fixing this :) Best of luck with your fork.

renege commented 10 years ago

are you al flying high on drugs? damn.

mitchellvanw commented 10 years ago

@renege It's probably best for you to stop here and just walk away....

hernandev commented 10 years ago

@allanfreitas we all make mistakes sometimes, we sincerely hope you don't give up with open source just because of this. Does not matter's if it's the "Good", the "Bad" or the "Ugly" way of doing this, just be legal and you'll be cool.

joshmanders commented 10 years ago

@allanfreitas Thanks for this man, you're a good dude. @ShawnMcCool you're my hero.

antonioribeiro commented 10 years ago

By reading Taylor's comment in the original issue:

I'm not really mad about this or anything. Just wanted my name back on the license. No need for hysterics.

I can tell, @allanfreitas, that you did exactly what Taylor politely asked and what the MIT license says anyone have to provide. In my opinion this harassement from some people is natural because the human being does this sort of thing, no matter what any other say. I myself was pissed at that time and wrote sort of a legally threatening post, for which I now apologize. Just ignore those comments and keep doing whatever you think of doing with the code. Best luck on your projects.

Xethron commented 10 years ago

Glad to see everything is back to normal. Now lets all get back to what we do best, and code the world a better place, one good line at a time! :)

richardvanbergen commented 10 years ago

I think if this thread has demonstrated anything it is that flamewars is what we're best at.

On Fri, Mar 14, 2014 at 8:06 PM, Bernhard Breytenbach <> wrote:

Glad to see everything is back to normal. Now lets all get back to what we do best, and code the world a better place, one good line at a time! :)

Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub .

philsturgeon commented 9 years ago

@allanfreitas Just got linked to this so sorry to necrobump. You should probably lock the thread after this, buuuut; For the record, stealing the FuelPHP design for the website wasn't cool either.

I own the copyright for that. HappyNinjas Ltd made it, and that is my company. I'm not entirely sure how you thought that was an acceptable thing to do, but as you're apologizing for things I'll take it.

allanfreitas commented 9 years ago

@philsturgeon sorry for that, for now the website isn't online, but only redirecting to For now I'm without time to keep going with this project.

I've learned a lot of things with this situation.

As you said. I will lock the thread now.

My twitter is if you want to say something or only a "Hi" :)