Open wenshutang opened 2 years ago
Thank you for opening your first issue here! π
@wenshutang thank you for the bug, hmm your config at first glance looks fine. Cc @pmahindrakar-oss / @evalsocket
@wenshutang can you help understand the platform where you are installing flytectl There is reportedly an issue on Centos with List api in go client . Would be helpful to know more before we dig deeper
@pmahindrakar-oss thanks for getting back to me. I've deployed sandbox on docker desktop for mac, using the docker k8s cluster.
Running flytectl on osx Big Sur
flytesnacks git:(master) β flytectl version
A new release of flytectl is available: 0.3.22 β v0.4.9
To upgrade, run: brew update && brew upgrade flytectl
"App": "flytectl",
"Build": "68db2d5",
"Version": "0.3.22",
"BuildTime": "2022-01-05 14:25:28.362427 -0800 PST m=+0.025125864"
"App": "controlPlane",
"Build": "a93b91e",
"Version": "v0.6.64",
"BuildTime": "2021-12-28 06:10:08.198858865 +0000 UTC m=+0.442487979"
Some more information, after upgrading to flytectl v0.4.9. I'm still getting the same error. I am able to access the minio console and have successfully registered many workflows.
@wenshutang I performed fast registration operation on Bigsur aswell and couldn't reproduce this issue. Used the examples from cookbook/core.
Can you help run the same examples and let me know what the outcome. Using the wrapper make scripts to do the same
register the files using flytectl
register the fast version using flytectl
The error could be due to numerous reasons
Can you print out the minio server version being used.
The sandbox enviornment i deployed is using the following which seems to be working with client used in flytectl
minio-65fbb69485-xtrqz:/opt/bitnami/minio/bin$ minio --version
minio version DEVELOPMENT.2021-10-13T00-23-17Z
The two make steps completed successfully when packaging cookbook/core. When trying to fast register, I am hitting the same error.
flytectl register files _pb_output/* -d development -p flytesnacks --version fastv1.0
Error: please check your Storage Config. It failed while uploading the source code. Failed to write data [56b] to path [fast/fastv1.0-fastcb901fa11e1b7ed864255bf234b21b93.tar.gz].: PutObject, putting object: SerializationError: failed to decode REST XML response
status code: 200, request id:
caused by: XML syntax error on line 1: element <link> closed by </head>
Looks like I am on the same version of minio.
$ minio --version
minio version DEVELOPMENT.2021-10-13T00-23-17Z
This is strange. This is failing while uploading the fast registered source file archive for you.
Are you able to perform this upload manually to minio
eg :
(base) β temp export AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID="minio"
(base) β temp export AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY="miniostorage"
(base) β temp aws --endpoint-url http://localhost:30084 s3 cp fast2e28c9f788423a13ca63c0ed7e3e7f6e.tar.gz s3://my-s3-bucket/temp/fast2e28c9f788423a13ca63c0ed7e3e7f6e.tar.gz
upload: ./fast2e28c9f788423a13ca63c0ed7e3e7f6e.tar.gz to s3://my-s3-bucket/temp/fast2e28c9f788423a13ca63c0ed7e3e7f6e.tar.gz
Also can you dump flytekit version used during make fast_serialize
pip list |grep flytekit
@pmahindrakar-oss Appreciate the follow up. aws cp is indeed failing.
My flytekit version
pip list | grep flytekit
flytekit 0.25.0b3
aws --endpoint-url http://localhost:30084 s3 cp _pb_output/fastcb901fa11e1b7ed864255bf234b21b93.tar.gz s3://my-s3-bucket/temp/fastcb901fa11e1b7ed864255bf234b21b93.tar.gz
upload failed: _pb_output/fastcb901fa11e1b7ed864255bf234b21b93.tar.gz to s3://my-s3-bucket/temp/fastcb901fa11e1b7ed864255bf234b21b93.tar.gz Unable to parse response (syntax error: line 1, column 0), invalid XML received. Further retries may succeed:
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@wenshutang the minio response mentions
invalid XML received. Further retries may succeed:
Did you try calling the same command multiple times to see if it helps.
Also is it possible for you to run the same command on an empty file and call s3 cp to upload this to minio from the commandline.
this looks moreover a minio issue. The other component versions you mentioned have been working for me. One another thing you could try is by updating to latest minio server version
And update it here
You can then run helm install steps to update to the latest charts with updated minio from within flyte/charts/flyte directory
helm install -n flyte -f values.yaml --create-namespace flyte .
@wenshutang did you get it working, or is it still failing for you?
Hello π, This issue has been inactive for over 9 months. To help maintain a clean and focused backlog, we'll be marking this issue as stale and will close the issue if we detect no activity in the next 7 days. Thank you for your contribution and understanding! π
Hello π, This issue has been inactive for over 9 months and hasn't received any updates since it was marked as stale. We'll be closing this issue for now, but if you believe this issue is still relevant, please feel free to reopen it. Thank you for your contribution and understanding! π
Hello π, this issue has been inactive for over 9 months. To help maintain a clean and focused backlog, we'll be marking this issue as stale and will engage on it to decide if it is still applicable. Thank you for your contribution and understanding! π
Describe the feature/command for FlyteCTL
I'm having issues when attempting to fast register
Packinging using pyflyte
Fast register
I set up my flyte sandbox cluster using all default settings.
What am I missing here?
Provide a possible output or UX example
To properly build and fast register workflows to tighten iteration loops
Are you sure this issue hasn't been raised already?
Have you read the Code of Conduct?