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[Docs] document how slack notifications work #4709

Open samhita-alla opened 7 months ago

samhita-alla commented 7 months ago


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dosubot[bot] commented 7 months ago


Hey there, @samhita-alla! :wave: I'm Dosu, a friendly bot that's here to assist you with bugs, answer your queries, and guide you on your journey to become a contributor. While we're waiting for a human maintainer to join us, feel free to ask me anything. How can I assist you today?

Sure, I can provide some information on how Slack notifications work in Flyte.

Flyte allows you to set up notifications that are triggered based on the state of the execution. These notifications can be of different types such as email, pagerduty, and slack. The notifications are defined in the workflow execution spec and they are published when the execution reaches the specified phase.

The code snippet you provided shows how the notifications are published in the publishNotifications function. For Slack notifications, the recipients are defined in the GetSlack().GetRecipientsEmail() call. The email addresses returned by this call are used to send the notifications.

Here is the relevant part of the code:

var emailNotification admin.EmailNotification
if notification.GetEmail() != nil {
    emailNotification.RecipientsEmail = notification.GetEmail().GetRecipientsEmail()
} else if notification.GetPagerDuty() != nil {
    emailNotification.RecipientsEmail = notification.GetPagerDuty().GetRecipientsEmail()
} else if notification.GetSlack() != nil {
    emailNotification.RecipientsEmail = notification.GetSlack().GetRecipientsEmail()
} else {
    logger.Debugf(ctx, "failed to publish notification, encountered unrecognized type: %v", notification.Type)
    // Unsupported notification types should have been caught when the launch plan was being created.
    return errors.NewFlyteAdminErrorf(codes.Internal, "Unsupported notification type [%v] for execution [%+v]",
        notification.Type, request.Event.ExecutionId)

// Convert the email Notification into an email message to be published.
// Currently there are no possible errors while creating an email message.
// Once customizable content is specified, errors are possible.
email := notifications.ToEmailMessageFromWorkflowExecutionEvent(
    *m.config.ApplicationConfiguration().GetNotificationsConfig(), emailNotification, request, adminExecution)
// Errors seen while publishing a message are considered non-fatal to the method and will not result
// in the method returning an error.
if err = m.notificationClient.Publish(ctx, proto.MessageName(&emailNotification), email); err != nil {
    logger.Infof(ctx, "error publishing email notification [%+v] with err: [%v]", notification, err)

This code checks if the notification is of type Slack, and if so, it retrieves the recipient's email addresses. It then creates an email message and publishes it. If there is an error while publishing the message, it logs the error and increments a counter for publish notification errors.

Please note that the actual sending of the Slack notification is not handled in this code. This code only prepares the email message to be sent. The actual sending is handled by the m.notificationClient.Publish method, which is not shown in the provided code.

The m.notificationClient.Publish method is implemented in the Publish function of the EventPublisher struct in the event_publisher.go file. The function first checks if the event of the given notification type should be published by calling the shouldPublishEvent function. If the event type is not in the set of events to be published, the function returns without doing anything. If the event should be published, it increments the PublishTotal counter in the system metrics. It then attempts to publish the message using the Publish method of the pubsub.Publisher interface, which is stored in the pub field of the EventPublisher struct. The Publish method takes in the context, the notification type, and the message to be published. If the publish operation fails, it increments the PublishError counter in the system metrics and logs an error message. If the operation is successful, it increments the PublishSuccess counter in the system metrics.

However, the provided context does not show how Slack notifications are specifically handled. The pubsub.Publisher interface could potentially handle Slack notifications, but the specific implementation is not provided in the context.

I hope this helps! If you have any more questions, feel free to ask.



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ChungYujoyce commented 4 months ago

Hi, I read the discussion thread and it's talking about how to fix a config error, not about Slack notification specifically. Would you like assistance in drafting documentation on setting up Slack notifications, or perhaps refining the notification documentation to encompass resolving this error? Thx!