flyteorg / flyte

Scalable and flexible workflow orchestration platform that seamlessly unifies data, ML and analytics stacks.
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[Core feature] `@dynamic` should accept all (?) of `@workflow` attributes #5465

Open EngHabu opened 2 weeks ago

EngHabu commented 2 weeks ago

Motivation: Why do you think this is important?

@dynamic represents a dynamic workflow and should accept all configurations we can pass to a static @workflow... I was attempting to add failure_policy and realized it's not possible

Goal: What should the final outcome look like, ideally?

Not yet sure of the UX. Maybe just @dynamic(...failure_policy... The downside here is that can potentially conflate the task attributes with workflow ones

Maybe @dynamic(workflow_config=Workflow(failure_policy=....

Describe alternatives you've considered

Map over launchplan. Not supported

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runllm[bot] commented 2 weeks ago

Currently, the @dynamic decorator in Flyte does not support all attributes that the @workflow decorator does, such as failure_policy. This limitation has been noted in various discussions and issues within the Flyte community.

According to this discussion, a workaround is to wrap the dynamic workflow within a static workflow that can accept the failure_policy attribute. This way, the failure policy can be applied at the top level and propagate downwards.

For example:

from flytekit import workflow, dynamic, WorkflowFailurePolicy

def top_level_workflow():

def dynamic_workflow():
    # Your dynamic tasks here

Would you like more details on this workaround or other potential solutions?


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Mention @runllm to ask follow-up questions. See for more!

eapolinario commented 1 week ago

we're investing in extending the list of mappable entities and will not prioritize this feature at the moment. I'll keep the issue open in case someone in the community decides to invest in it.