flyve-mdm / docker-environment

Flyve MDM Docker Environment
GNU General Public License v3.0
56 stars 48 forks source link

Write a welcome article #3

Open Gianfranco97 opened 7 years ago

Gianfranco97 commented 7 years ago

Hi, @Naylin15

Could you write a welcome article for the page, this first article should give a brief introduction to the product and serve as an entry point for for new users. The idea is to be able to use this for promotion.

Said article should be written in Markdown and be published in the branch of gh-pages within the folder "_post"

Steps to follow for publication:

  1. Enter
  2. Select the Flyve MDM organization
  3. Enter in repository where you want to publish the article
  4. Change to the branch gh-pages
  5. Click on the "NEW FILE" button
  6. Write your article
  7. Save your work

Best regards.