flyx / OpenGLAda

Thick Ada binding for OpenGL and GLFW
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Building on MacOS Catalina gives 'ld: framework not found Cocoa' #144

Closed esthermations closed 4 years ago

esthermations commented 4 years ago

Hey, I'm trying to get simple OpenGLAda programs to build on my Mac machine but I'm running into this issue:


To be clear upfront, this might not be an issue with OpenGLAda. I just have no idea what else it could be, so I'm starting here. No worries if you think this is not your bug, I'll probably take it to Homebrew next.

The program I'm testing is two files, testing.adb and testing.gpr. I'm basically just initialising a window, sleeping for three seconds, then destroying it.


with GL; use GL;
with Glfw; use Glfw;
with Glfw.Windows; 

procedure Testing is
    Window : aliased Glfw.Windows.Window;
    Window.Init (Width => 1280, Height => 720, Title => "Testing");

    delay 3.0;

end Testing;

And testing.gpr:

with "./dep/openglada/opengl";
with "./dep/openglada/opengl-glfw";

project Testing is
    for Source_Dirs use ("src");
    for Object_Dir use "obj";
    for Main use ("testing");
end Testing;

I installed GLFW via Homebrew and have LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/local/lib in my env.

As you saw above, building this with gprbuild results in the Cocoa not found error.

An equivalent C program seems to work (but it also doesn't use Cocoa afaik...):

#include <GLFW/glfw3.h>
#include <OpenGL/gl.h>
#include <unistd.h>

int main(void) {
    int init_result = glfwInit();
    GLFWwindow *window = glfwCreateWindow(1280, 720, "Testing", NULL, NULL);



Compiling this works just fine:


If it's not too much trouble, could you possibly see if you're having this problem too? If not I'll assume it's something borked in my Homebrew setup or something.

Thanks very much!

rogermc2 commented 4 years ago

I think there's more initialization needed. Check initialize.adb under OpenGLAda-examples/common/src of the /flx/OpenGLAda-examples repository. Or perhaps have a look at one of the simple OpenGLAda-examples. One of the simplest is OpenGLAda-examples/superbible/simplest

rogermc2 commented 4 years ago

This glfw based tutorial might help,

flyx commented 4 years ago
ld: framework not found Cocoa

This has nothing to do with your code, it's a linker error. Do you have Xcode installed? I am not quite sure about this, but I think you need a macOS SDK installed, which comes with Xcode.

esthermations commented 4 years ago

I do have Xcode installed via the App Store, yes. I've just reinstalled it but that didn't help. Guess I'll look into this more, thanks for the help. Still, if you happen to have any other ideas, I'm all ears, this one's got me stumped. Thanks again.

flyx commented 4 years ago

Hmm, Xcode command line utilities installed?

I just checked on my machine, the framework should be in

I believe the second one is what Xcode would use but the first one is what GNAT requires because it has no clue about which macOS SDK to use. Not completely sure. The first option may be installed with Xcode command line tools, or it may be already there. Frankly, macOS moves it developer stuff around so much I lost track of how things are supposed to work.

If the first option is missing and you can't figure out how to create it, or if you want to just try out things, you can try modifying OpenGLAda's linker options in the opengl.gpr file:

when "quartz" =>
            for Linker_Options use

-F gives the framework search path.

That's all I can think of. Let me know if something works :).

rogermc2 commented 4 years ago

On my system the Cocoa framework is installed as /Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk 1/System/Library/Frameworks/Cocoa.framework. Perhaps you could check that it is actually installed on your system? Also, sometimes I get a dialog from Xcode requesting permission to install additional components; usually, I think, after an OS update. Another thought is that you might need an appropriate gpr configure file (.cgpr). Perhaps run gprconfig? But I doubt that that's your problem as I can't find any reference to cocoa in my gpr configure file. I'm wondering if you need the reference to cocoa at all as my typical build command doesn't include any mention of cocoa:

gprbuild -d -eL -P/System/Volumes/Data/Ada_Source/OpenGLAda-examples/redbook/03_draw_commands/draw_commands.gpr 
-XMode=debug -XLibrary_Type=static -XAuto_Exceptions=enabled -XWindowing_System=quartz -XGLFW_Version=3 
/System/Volumes/Data/Ada_Source/OpenGLAda-examples/redbook/03_draw_commands/src/draw_triangles.adb -s
 --config=/System/Volumes/Data/Ada_Source/default.cgpr -p

Just some thoughts and probably not much help. I'll try your code on my system and see what happens.

flyx commented 4 years ago

Ah, one more thing, you can set the environment variable DYLD_FRAMEWORK_PATH to the folder where your frameworks are located, this is a better solution than tinkering with the opengl.gpr file.

rogermc2 commented 4 years ago

I tried your code on my system. It ran to completion but no window was displayed.

[2020-08-18 22:05:41] process terminated successfully, elapsed time: 03.36s

The command generated by GPS was:

gprbuild -d -eL -P/System/Volumes/Data/Ada_Source/More_OglAda_Examples/tester/testing.gpr -XGLFW_Version=3
 -XLibrary_Type=static -XAuto_Exceptions=enabled -XMode=debug -XWindowing_System=quartz 
 -s --config=/System/Volumes/Data/Ada_Source/default.cgpr -p

Non-display of window possibly due to additional initialization needed for Mac?

esthermations commented 4 years ago

@flyx Thanks so much for the info, that's quite helpful. I do seem to have both of those directories for Cocoa.framework, the contents of the latter look like this:


Exporting DYLD_FRAMEWORK_PATH any of the mentioned directories hasn't seemed to help.

I tried compiling the redbook example that @rogermc2 used, and it also fails to link with the same error:


@rogermc2 I don't believe the code does display a window, no. The C one doesn't, anyway. My main problem right now is that I can't get any OpenGLAda code at all to link on my system. Thanks for trying it on yours, it's strange that it works for you and not for me. I'm quite new to development on MacOS so all this 'framework' stuff is pretty new to me. 🤷‍♀️

Thanks so much for everyone's help.

rogermc2 commented 4 years ago

I also remain "a novice at all this 'framework' stuff"! Here is my gprbuild command, generated by GPS for draw_triangles:

gprbuild -d -eL -P/Ada_Source/OpenGLAda-examples/redbook/03_draw_commands/draw_commands.gpr 
-XMode=debug -XLibrary_Type=static -XAuto_Exceptions=enabled -XWindowing_System=quartz 
-XGLFW_Version=3 draw_triangles.adb -s --config=/Ada_Source/default.cgpr

I tried your method of just invoking gprbuild on the terminal command line:

MacBook-Air:03_draw_commands rogermcmurtrie$ gprbuild
using project file draw_commands.gpr
   [Ada]          draw_triangles.adb

through to:

   [link]         draw_triangles.adb
ld: library not found for -lfreetype
collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status
gprbuild: link of draw_triangles.adb failed

From my limited experience of using gprbuild from the command line, using just the command gprbuild seems insufficient; additional parameters are usually required. Again, in my limited experience, at least specifying a configuration file is required. I suggest trying my gprbuild command above for draw_triangles or, rather, the one for the testing program with parameters changed to suit your system. You might try it without the --config parameter but it will probably fail in which case you will need to generate a configure file using gprconfig. I just tried the gprbuild command above for draw_triangles from the command line and it completed successfully. Then tried it without the --config parameter and it failed with:

ld: library not found for -lfreetype

so it seems that a configuration file is essential. I next tried it with only the --config parameter and, surprisingly, it built and ran successfully:

MacBook-Air:03_draw_commands rogermcmurtrie$ gprbuild  --config=/Ada_Source/default.cgpr
using project file draw_commands.gpr
   [Ada]          draw_triangles.adb
   [Ada]          main_loop.adb

It could be that the system "remembered" some of the other parameters.

esthermations commented 4 years ago

@rogermc2 !!! 🥳 GPRconfig worked! I tried it when you suggested before but I selected the GCC compiler included with GNAT for both C and C++. Nothing changed, so I didn't mention it. I just tried again, but selecting the LLVM compilers in /usr/bin this time (probably Clang installed via Homebrew), and the program links and runs just fine now!

It generated a config file called default.cgpr, which gprbuild grabs by default according to the docs. So now just running gprbuild on its own has the program compiling and linking properly!


Thanks so much!! I've even got my cargame-ada project compiling again, so now I can get back to work on it!

You guys really went above and beyond, thank you so much for the help! 🎉🎊🥳