PCAP downloading using a complex filter that results in 0 packets being output will fail to halt the download. Theres no check on the Keep alive send() if the connection is still up and active. This results in the filter running to completion instead of exiting when the connection is dropped
fmadio@fmadio20-158:~$ cat /opt/fmadio/version
Wed Jan 24 16:27:42 2018
PCAP downloading using a complex filter that results in 0 packets being output will fail to halt the download. Theres no check on the Keep alive send() if the connection is still up and active. This results in the filter running to completion instead of exiting when the connection is dropped
fmadio@fmadio20-158:~$ cat /opt/fmadio/version fmadio20 4861 Wed Jan 24 16:27:42 2018