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Mac Keybindings #107

Open macosxguru opened 7 years ago

macosxguru commented 7 years ago

I came across an effort to define Mac friendly keybindings here.

Usually in programs where you can define keybindings, the new user defined keybindings replace the standard program keybindings. But fman doesn't do that. It just adds to the ways you can now use a command. The system defined keybindings remain active. The user keybindings are just another option. That is interesting behavior.

Thanks to brodo for the effort.


mherrmann commented 7 years ago

Hm... I see your point. I thought the most common case was that people simply wanted to override a very small number of key bindings in comparison to the total number. Maybe that assumption was wrong. Because in that case, I thought it would be easier to just selectively re-define those keys you are interested in. It keeps the config files much more readable (in my opinion). Interesting sounds a lot like surprising which (all else being equal) would not be good.

Key bindings on Mac are frankly a difficult subject. In fman's niche of dual-pane file managers, the default shortcuts F5 etc. are so entrenched that I'm afraid to change them. Yet on MacBooks, it's hard to get at these keys (because you have to press the Fn key). I personally configured macOS to always give me the function keys (so I have to press Fn to get the "default" behaviour for screen brightness etc.). But most Mac users won't (want to) do that for just one app, so fman's default shortcuts are alienating to them.

I think the best solution would be if fman were somehow able to let you press (say) F5 without requiring you to press Fn. Equivalently, it would be cool to allow "ScreenBrightnessUp" (say) as a key which you can bind commands to in fman. But I don't know if that's technically possible.

I'd be very interested to hear how other Mac users deal with this. Fluor has been recommended by some, but I personally have disappointing experiences with it. Also, I don't think it would be ideal if fman "required you" to install additional apps just so you can use it properly.

macosxguru commented 7 years ago

On the Mac, if there are Function keys to be used, Mac users are used to pressing Fn to get that behavior. It is only the geeks like Richard and me who object to that behavior. We install third party programs like Fluor or Palua to get that effect of doing away with the Fn key in particular programs.

I was surprised that the user keybindings don't completely override the default keybindings. For instance, I have ⌘+M assigned to move, but F6, the original keybinding still works. That is not the way Sublime Text 3 for instance works. If you bind a system setting to a keybinding on the user keybinding file, the default keybinding is not respected anymore. It is not a painful thing, it is just interesting. Interesting in that I wasn't expecting that behavior. It is great that I can assign new keybindings to any command and it is not a pain that the original one still works, as long as the new one does too. So, not a problem at all. Just an observation.


mherrmann commented 7 years ago

I think I still would like to make it possible for Mac users to not have to press Fn in fman. I think the standard shortcuts F5 etc. are really useful, but if you have to press Fn all the time they become a big pain. Then, people end up defining their own shortcuts, which leads to a huge disarray of shortcut conventions on Mac.

Thank you for the clarification. It'd be better if fman behaved according to your expectations, but if you don't think it's a problem I will leave it as it is because it is technically easier.

macosxguru commented 7 years ago

It is not critical. Leave it be for the time being. You have more important things to do. ;)

jurgenvinju commented 7 years ago

I'd be happy if fman would simply interpret the "play" button (F8) also as delete, and for the other keys the same. That way I could really focus on the file managing work and if I want to pause my music I'd switch to the player.

blueneogeo commented 6 years ago

For people having the Fn key issue on Mac, I recommend using Palua (seems discontinued though) or FunctionFlip ( or Fnable (

mherrmann commented 6 years ago

Thank you for the tips @blueneogeo ! :-)

renmarq commented 6 years ago

Automatic Fn switch could be implemented in fman using accessibility methods. That's actually how Commander One does. I suppose same method is applied by tools mentioned above like Fnable.

mherrmann commented 6 years ago

Very helpful insight. Thanks! How do you know this?

renmarq commented 6 years ago

Commander One was keeping asking for me to authorize accessibility features. Once done I realized I didn't have to use Fn key to get the shortcuts to work anymore so I did a bit of research to understand.

mherrmann commented 6 years ago

Awesome. Thanks!