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Multiple tabs #34

Open mherrmann opened 7 years ago

mherrmann commented 6 years ago

The following thought about this feature just crossed my mind: Are tabs really required in fman? I understand it in other file managers, where you are forced to navigate up/down directory trees to get to a folder. In this case, tabs let you more quickly jump between folders. But with fman's GoTo, every folder is just a key stroke away.

I do see that there are still advantages to tabs:

  1. You can have different selections / scroll positions.
  2. You don't have to remember the names of the directories you're currently working with because they're shown at the top.

But are they really important?

oskretc commented 6 years ago

I've used a few other file managers (XYPlorer, Q-Dir, Clover) and in my experience, I always use 1 or 2 tabs, the only use case where I want to have extra tabs is when you are working in one instance (2 tabs) and you need to open a third folder just for checking something, but I guess the best solution for that case is an extra instance. you close it and you are done.

Although, I would like an extra tab/window/section for general purpose use. i.e. Display favorites, display search results, display history, etc. (Maybe a new feature request for this)

mherrmann commented 6 years ago

@oskretc what you wrote sounds like your use case for tabs is rare. Instead of an extra instance, you might also be able to simply do Ctrl+P (GoTo) then Alt+Left to go back.

I'll reply to your other suggestion in the issue you just created (#385).

MikiGrit commented 6 years ago

I guess, for me to replace tabs with fman's GoTo feature, I would also need ability to add aliases to favorite folders. As I typically don't remember folders by their name/path but by their content. Some kind of "warp directory" for zsh ( ) would be nice.

raguay commented 6 years ago

Check out my Favorites plugin. It allows you to create a list of favorite directories that you can give unique names. If you setup common directories first, that list is movable from computer to computer as well. Give it a try. I use it everyday.

It also allows you to go to recently visited directories by hotkey. Very convenient to just backup to the last directory or so.

MikiGrit commented 6 years ago

Thanks for suggestion, I'll look into it :).

o314 commented 6 years ago

Tabs are not shortcuts.

With totalcommander there is both: tabs and directory hotlist. My usage of shortcuts is 99% of the time to to go the download or dropbox dir. No more. With tabs, it's different.

During work (ctx client projet, media project, program), I handle 2,3,4 projects at a time, each with 2 or 3 directories opened. I use tabs to switch between them. Same workflow with email, browser and editor.

I'am used to place my tabs by project in the same layout whatever is the environment (ex: client jane @ left of the tabs zone in browser, editor & orthodox filemanager)

That allow me to be focused and maintain project scope at a glance. When time goes on, a project is done, i close a set and open another. That's smooth. There is not such an experience opening a listbox, choosing one entry on and on. Tabs add visual weight.

novoid commented 6 years ago

Disclaimer: this is an unqualified comment because I haven't used fman yet.

One use-case for multiple tabs: In my work environment (Windows unfortunately) there is the same folder structure on C: and on the network drive N:. I tend to have the same folder open on both drives.

I am unsure, how GoTo handles same folder names located on different drives/mountpoints and how it is visualized: jumping to "processes" either on C: or N:. I have to test it myself when I'm back at my office Windows host.

Another requirement that can be solved or mitigated using tabs: Working with three folders (or more) for one single task would require to constantly jump via GoTo.

Maybe (I am not convinced myself) a hypothetical feature could help here. Let's call it "situations" (please come up with a better name) and it is similar to how virtual desktops are used from various users: create a virtual desktop per task to be able to switch context easily. (And I am not talking about the Windows 10 virtual desktops which are totally useless for that because you can't move windows from one desktop to another or open one app with multiple windows on different virtual desktops.)

In fman, you could save one "situation" (the hypothetical feature) according to your current task and give it a name like "demo preparation". When you are interrupted by a phone call where you have to check back some log files on the server, you could then start a new situation "server logs" with a new setup of the two panes. When you're finished with the logs, restore the "demo preparation" "situation" and you're back at the previous task. Whenever you have to re-check the logs, just restore the "server logs". "Situations" always (or optionally?) save their current status, so that you don't have to remember to save them.

Just an ad-hoc idea which came to my mind that could address a sub-set of situations where multiple tabs are necessary from my point of perspective.

(Sorry to interrupt this thread with unqualified comments - I have to install fman right now ;-)

mherrmann commented 6 years ago

"Situations" sounds like an interesting idea. I think my gut feeling would be to call them "projects". One thing I know is: They can already be implemented via fman's plugin API. So if anyone fancies such a feature, they can have it any time with a little (and probably not too much) work. :-)

ogrotten commented 6 years ago

because you can't move windows from one desktop to another

FYI you can. Drag the thumb of the program to the DT you want it on.

CharlesFr commented 4 years ago

Any ideas as to when we can expect this feature?

o314 commented 4 years ago

It's the second most wanted issue now after #45 which has been extensively discussed and partially implemented.

Here, IMHO, there isn't any visible activity. A pity. And still a blocker for me before buying fman ...

o314 commented 3 years ago

Hello there, Is there any news about this feature request ?

It is still the most wanted and still unimplemented feature according to your feature system.

And i have still not bought a license since 3 years due to that omission. TotalCommander (and its author !) is getting old, i will be glad to consider a switch someday.

Cordially Olivier