fmartinou / teleinfo2mqtt

Publish teleinfo to mqtt topics
MIT License
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Coupure sur pjourf+1 en mode standard #60

Closed WorldOfGZ closed 9 months ago

WorldOfGZ commented 1 year ago


Je viens d'installer cet addon sur un HA à jour. Version de l'addon 8.3.3

J'ai visiblement un traitement sur le label PJOUR+1. A chaque fois il se déconnecte du MQTT. Sur le log MQTT j'ai cette info : Client mqttjs_153f3f22 disconnected due to malformed packet.

Sur le log en mode info, j'ai ces renseignements :

20:22:46.849 INFO teleinfo2mqtt: Starting teleinfo2mqtt with configuration = { emitInterval: 10, hassDiscovery: true, hassDiscoveryPrefix: 'homeassistant', logLevel: 'info', mqttBaseTopic: 'teleinfo', mqttUrl: 'mqtt://ip:1883', mqttUser: 'user', mqttPassword: '', mqttTlsClientKey: undefined, mqttTlsClientCert: undefined, mqttTlsCaChain: undefined, mqttTlsRejectUnauthorized: true, serial: '/dev/ttyUSB0', ticMode: 'standard' } 20:22:46.850 INFO teleinfo2mqtt: Connecting to port [/dev/ttyUSB0] with standard TIC mode 20:22:46.852 INFO teleinfo2mqtt: Connected to port [/dev/ttyUSB0] 20:22:46.853 INFO teleinfo2mqtt: Connecting to MQTT broker [mqtt://ip:1883] 20:22:46.885 INFO teleinfo2mqtt: Connected to MQTT broker [mqtt://ip:1883] 20:22:46.887 WARN teleinfo2mqtt: Corrupted line received [243 R ] 20:22:58.172 INFO teleinfo2mqtt: Publish configuration for tag ADSC for discovery to topic [homeassistant/sensor/teleinfo/XXXXXXXXXXXX_adsc/config] 20:22:58.173 INFO teleinfo2mqtt: Publish configuration for tag VTIC for discovery to topic [homeassistant/sensor/teleinfo/XXXXXXXXXXXX_vtic/config] 20:22:58.173 INFO teleinfo2mqtt: Publish configuration for tag DATE for discovery to topic [homeassistant/sensor/teleinfo/XXXXXXXXXXXX_date/config] 20:22:58.173 INFO teleinfo2mqtt: Publish configuration for tag NGTF for discovery to topic [homeassistant/sensor/teleinfo/XXXXXXXXXXXX_ngtf/config] 20:22:58.173 INFO teleinfo2mqtt: Publish configuration for tag LTARF for discovery to topic [homeassistant/sensor/teleinfo/XXXXXXXXXXXX_ltarf/config] 20:22:58.173 INFO teleinfo2mqtt: Publish configuration for tag EAST for discovery to topic [homeassistant/sensor/teleinfo/XXXXXXXXXXXX_east/config] 20:22:58.173 INFO teleinfo2mqtt: Publish configuration for tag EASF01 for discovery to topic [homeassistant/sensor/teleinfo/XXXXXXXXXXXX_easf01/config] 20:22:58.173 INFO teleinfo2mqtt: Publish configuration for tag EASF02 for discovery to topic [homeassistant/sensor/teleinfo/XXXXXXXXXXXX_easf02/config] 20:22:58.173 INFO teleinfo2mqtt: Publish configuration for tag EASF03 for discovery to topic [homeassistant/sensor/teleinfo/XXXXXXXXXXXX_easf03/config] 20:22:58.173 INFO teleinfo2mqtt: Publish configuration for tag EASF04 for discovery to topic [homeassistant/sensor/teleinfo/XXXXXXXXXXXX_easf04/config] 20:22:58.173 INFO teleinfo2mqtt: Publish configuration for tag EASF05 for discovery to topic [homeassistant/sensor/teleinfo/XXXXXXXXXXXX_easf05/config] 20:22:58.173 INFO teleinfo2mqtt: Publish configuration for tag EASF06 for discovery to topic [homeassistant/sensor/teleinfo/XXXXXXXXXXXX_easf06/config] 20:22:58.173 INFO teleinfo2mqtt: Publish configuration for tag EASF07 for discovery to topic [homeassistant/sensor/teleinfo/XXXXXXXXXXXX_easf07/config] 20:22:58.173 INFO teleinfo2mqtt: Publish configuration for tag EASF08 for discovery to topic [homeassistant/sensor/teleinfo/XXXXXXXXXXXX_easf08/config] 20:22:58.174 INFO teleinfo2mqtt: Publish configuration for tag EASF09 for discovery to topic [homeassistant/sensor/teleinfo/XXXXXXXXXXXX_easf09/config] 20:22:58.174 INFO teleinfo2mqtt: Publish configuration for tag EASF10 for discovery to topic [homeassistant/sensor/teleinfo/XXXXXXXXXXXX_easf10/config] 20:22:58.174 INFO teleinfo2mqtt: Publish configuration for tag EASD01 for discovery to topic [homeassistant/sensor/teleinfo/XXXXXXXXXXXX_easd01/config] 20:22:58.174 INFO teleinfo2mqtt: Publish configuration for tag EASD02 for discovery to topic [homeassistant/sensor/teleinfo/XXXXXXXXXXXX_easd02/config] 20:22:58.174 INFO teleinfo2mqtt: Publish configuration for tag EASD03 for discovery to topic [homeassistant/sensor/teleinfo/XXXXXXXXXXXX_easd03/config] 20:22:58.174 INFO teleinfo2mqtt: Publish configuration for tag EASD04 for discovery to topic [homeassistant/sensor/teleinfo/XXXXXXXXXXXX_easd04/config] 20:22:58.174 INFO teleinfo2mqtt: Publish configuration for tag IRMS1 for discovery to topic [homeassistant/sensor/teleinfo/XXXXXXXXXXXX_irms1/config] 20:22:58.174 INFO teleinfo2mqtt: Publish configuration for tag URMS1 for discovery to topic [homeassistant/sensor/teleinfo/XXXXXXXXXXXX_urms1/config] 20:22:58.174 INFO teleinfo2mqtt: Publish configuration for tag PREF for discovery to topic [homeassistant/sensor/teleinfo/XXXXXXXXXXXX_pref/config] 20:22:58.174 INFO teleinfo2mqtt: Publish configuration for tag PCOUP for discovery to topic [homeassistant/sensor/teleinfo/XXXXXXXXXXXX_pcoup/config] 20:22:58.174 INFO teleinfo2mqtt: Publish configuration for tag SINSTS for discovery to topic [homeassistant/sensor/teleinfo/XXXXXXXXXXXX_sinsts/config] 20:22:58.174 INFO teleinfo2mqtt: Publish configuration for tag SMAXSN for discovery to topic [homeassistant/sensor/teleinfo/XXXXXXXXXXXX_smaxsn/config] 20:22:58.174 INFO teleinfo2mqtt: Publish configuration for tag SMAXSN-1 for discovery to topic [homeassistant/sensor/teleinfo/XXXXXXXXXXXX_smaxsn-1/config] 20:22:58.174 INFO teleinfo2mqtt: Publish configuration for tag CCASN for discovery to topic [homeassistant/sensor/teleinfo/XXXXXXXXXXXX_ccasn/config] 20:22:58.174 INFO teleinfo2mqtt: Publish configuration for tag CCASN-1 for discovery to topic [homeassistant/sensor/teleinfo/XXXXXXXXXXXX_ccasn-1/config] 20:22:58.174 INFO teleinfo2mqtt: Publish configuration for tag UMOY1 for discovery to topic [homeassistant/sensor/teleinfo/XXXXXXXXXXXX_umoy1/config] 20:22:58.174 INFO teleinfo2mqtt: Publish configuration for tag STGE for discovery to topic [homeassistant/sensor/teleinfo/XXXXXXXXXXXX_stge/config] 20:22:58.174 INFO teleinfo2mqtt: Publish configuration for tag MSG1 for discovery to topic [homeassistant/sensor/teleinfo/XXXXXXXXXXXX_msg1/config] 20:22:58.174 INFO teleinfo2mqtt: Publish configuration for tag PRM for discovery to topic [homeassistant/sensor/teleinfo/XXXXXXXXXXXX_prm/config] 20:22:58.174 INFO teleinfo2mqtt: Publish configuration for tag RELAIS for discovery to topic [homeassistant/sensor/teleinfo/XXXXXXXXXXXX_relais/config] 20:22:58.174 INFO teleinfo2mqtt: Publish configuration for tag NTARF for discovery to topic [homeassistant/sensor/teleinfo/XXXXXXXXXXXX_ntarf/config] 20:22:58.174 INFO teleinfo2mqtt: Publish configuration for tag NJOURF for discovery to topic [homeassistant/sensor/teleinfo/XXXXXXXXXXXX_njourf/config] 20:22:58.174 INFO teleinfo2mqtt: Publish configuration for tag NJOURF+1 for discovery to topic [homeassistant/sensor/teleinfo/XXXXXXXXXXXX_njourf+1/config] 20:22:58.175 INFO teleinfo2mqtt: Publish configuration for tag PJOURF+1 for discovery to topic [homeassistant/sensor/teleinfo/XXXXXXXXXXXX_pjourf+1/config] 20:22:59.183 INFO teleinfo2mqtt: Reconnecting to the MQTT broker... Et ça restera tel quel, rien ne se passera plus ensuite.

J'ai eu un peu de mal, ça donne cette ligne en mode debug :


Je sais pas trop si ça vient de chez moi ou non, si je peux avoir un petit coup de main svp !

fmartinou commented 1 year ago


Je ne suis pas absolument certain que le problème soit lié à l'étiquette PJOURF+1.

20:22:58.175 INFO teleinfo2mqtt: Publish configuration for tag PJOURF+1 for discovery to topic [homeassistant/sensor/teleinfo/XXXXXXXXXXXX_pjourf+1/config]
20:22:59.183 INFO teleinfo2mqtt: Reconnecting to the MQTT broker...

Il y a 8ms entre les 2 lignes, donc ces 2 logs ne sont pas obligatoirement à correller.

Si tu regardes le contenu du topic mqtt, tu vois des messages ?

Quelle version de mosquitto utilises-tu ?

WorldOfGZ commented 1 year ago


Le dernier message que je reçoit sur mqtt concerne njourf Je n'ai pas de trace de pjourf+1, mais pas non plus de njourf+1

J'utilise mosquitto dans l'addon de HA, la version semble être selon le changelog la 2.0.17

Mounicq commented 11 months ago

Je viens de constater aussi le problème, le caractère '+' n'est pas autorisé dans les topics mqtt. mqtt/hass.js

-        const discoveryTopic = `${hassDiscoveryPrefix}/sensor/${mqttBaseTopic}/${id}_${label.toLowerCase()}/config`;
+        const discoveryTopic = `${hassDiscoveryPrefix}/sensor/${mqttBaseTopic}/${id}_${label.replace('+', '_plus_').toLowerCase()}/config`;

édit: D’ailleurs j'en profite, il faudrait revoir le parsing de PJOUR+1, l'actuel rend l'information inexploitable. Si j'ai une insomnie je m'y pencherais dessus

zdit2: Autre modif a faire

-    return `{% if '${label}' in value_json %}{{ value_json.${label}.${valueProperty} }}{% else %}''{% endif %}`;
+    return `{% if '${label}' in value_json %}{{ value_json['${label}'].${valueProperty} }}{% else %}''{% endif %}`;
Makokoy79 commented 10 months ago

Bonsoir à tous, J'ai le même problème. Ce que je vois dans la doc de Enedis ici c'est qu'en fonction du compteur ce ne sont pas les mêmes informations qui sont remontées, ou pas forcément sous la même forme.

Makokoy79 commented 10 months ago

Si cela peut aider, voici le journal des messages reçus et parsés par teleinfo2mqtt (copié/collé du journal sous HA)

15:27:37.553 DEBUG teleinfo2mqtt: Split frame [EASD02,019555407,E ] 15:27:37.553 DEBUG teleinfo2mqtt: Value for label EASD02 = 019555407 15:27:37.553 DEBUG teleinfo2mqtt: Frame parsed [[object Object]] 15:27:37.577 DEBUG teleinfo2mqtt: Raw frame [EASD03 003031843 8 ] 15:27:37.577 DEBUG teleinfo2mqtt: Split frame [EASD03,003031843,8 ] 15:27:37.577 DEBUG teleinfo2mqtt: Value for label EASD03 = 003031843 15:27:37.577 DEBUG teleinfo2mqtt: Frame parsed [[object Object]] 15:27:37.593 DEBUG teleinfo2mqtt: Raw frame [EASD04 004670293 B ] 15:27:37.594 DEBUG teleinfo2mqtt: Split frame [EASD04,004670293,B ] 15:27:37.594 DEBUG teleinfo2mqtt: Value for label EASD04 = 004670293 15:27:37.594 DEBUG teleinfo2mqtt: Frame parsed [[object Object]] 15:27:37.610 DEBUG teleinfo2mqtt: Raw frame [IRMS1 006 4 ] 15:27:37.610 DEBUG teleinfo2mqtt: Split frame [IRMS1,006,4 ] 15:27:37.610 DEBUG teleinfo2mqtt: Value for label IRMS1 = 006 15:27:37.610 DEBUG teleinfo2mqtt: Frame parsed [[object Object]] 15:27:37.624 DEBUG teleinfo2mqtt: Raw frame [URMS1 239 H ] 15:27:37.624 DEBUG teleinfo2mqtt: Split frame [URMS1,239,H ] 15:27:37.624 DEBUG teleinfo2mqtt: Value for label URMS1 = 239 15:27:37.624 DEBUG teleinfo2mqtt: Frame parsed [[object Object]] 15:27:37.639 DEBUG teleinfo2mqtt: Raw frame [PREF 12 B ] 15:27:37.639 DEBUG teleinfo2mqtt: Split frame [PREF,12,B ] 15:27:37.639 DEBUG teleinfo2mqtt: Value for label PREF = 12 15:27:37.639 DEBUG teleinfo2mqtt: Frame parsed [[object Object]] 15:27:37.659 DEBUG teleinfo2mqtt: Raw frame [PCOUP 12 \ ] 15:27:37.659 DEBUG teleinfo2mqtt: Split frame [PCOUP,12,\ ] 15:27:37.659 DEBUG teleinfo2mqtt: Value for label PCOUP = 12 15:27:37.659 DEBUG teleinfo2mqtt: Frame parsed [[object Object]] 15:27:37.695 DEBUG teleinfo2mqtt: Raw frame [SINSTS 01331 N ] 15:27:37.695 DEBUG teleinfo2mqtt: Split frame [SINSTS,01331,N ] 15:27:37.695 DEBUG teleinfo2mqtt: Value for label SINSTS = 01331 15:27:37.695 DEBUG teleinfo2mqtt: Frame parsed [[object Object]] 15:27:37.733 DEBUG teleinfo2mqtt: Raw frame [SMAXSN H231110065319 04400 5 ] 15:27:37.733 DEBUG teleinfo2mqtt: Split frame [SMAXSN,H231110065319,04400,5 ] 15:27:37.733 DEBUG teleinfo2mqtt: Value for label SMAXSN = 04400 15:27:37.733 DEBUG teleinfo2mqtt: Frame parsed [[object Object]] 15:27:37.768 DEBUG teleinfo2mqtt: Raw frame [SMAXSN-1 H231109090852 05140 ] ] 15:27:37.768 DEBUG teleinfo2mqtt: Split frame [SMAXSN-1,H231109090852,05140,] ] 15:27:37.768 DEBUG teleinfo2mqtt: Value for label SMAXSN-1 = 05140 15:27:37.768 DEBUG teleinfo2mqtt: Frame parsed [[object Object]] 15:27:37.805 DEBUG teleinfo2mqtt: Raw frame [CCASN H231110150000 01075 6 ] 15:27:37.805 DEBUG teleinfo2mqtt: Split frame [CCASN,H231110150000,01075,6 ] 15:27:37.805 DEBUG teleinfo2mqtt: Value for label CCASN = 01075 15:27:37.805 DEBUG teleinfo2mqtt: Frame parsed [[object Object]] 15:27:37.837 DEBUG teleinfo2mqtt: Raw frame [CCASN-1 H231110140000 01103 K ] 15:27:37.837 DEBUG teleinfo2mqtt: Split frame [CCASN-1,H231110140000,01103,K ] 15:27:37.837 DEBUG teleinfo2mqtt: Value for label CCASN-1 = 01103 15:27:37.838 DEBUG teleinfo2mqtt: Frame parsed [[object Object]] 15:27:37.859 DEBUG teleinfo2mqtt: Raw frame [UMOY1 H231110152000 238 + ] 15:27:37.859 DEBUG teleinfo2mqtt: Split frame [UMOY1,H231110152000,238,+ ] 15:27:37.859 DEBUG teleinfo2mqtt: Value for label UMOY1 = 238 15:27:37.859 DEBUG teleinfo2mqtt: Frame parsed [[object Object]] 15:27:37.908 DEBUG teleinfo2mqtt: Raw frame [STGE 003AC401 Q ] 15:27:37.908 DEBUG teleinfo2mqtt: Split frame [STGE,003AC401,Q ] 15:27:37.908 DEBUG teleinfo2mqtt: Value for label STGE = 003AC401 15:27:37.908 DEBUG teleinfo2mqtt: Frame parsed [[object Object]] 15:27:37.935 DEBUG teleinfo2mqtt: Raw frame [MSG1 PAS DE MESSAGE < ] 15:27:37.935 DEBUG teleinfo2mqtt: Split frame [MSG1,PAS DE MESSAGE ,< ] 15:27:37.935 DEBUG teleinfo2mqtt: Value for label MSG1 = PAS DE MESSAGE
15:27:37.935 DEBUG teleinfo2mqtt: Frame parsed [[object Object]] 15:27:37.952 DEBUG teleinfo2mqtt: Raw frame [PRM 16168885471504 A ] 15:27:37.952 DEBUG teleinfo2mqtt: Split frame [PRM,16168885471504,A ] 15:27:37.952 DEBUG teleinfo2mqtt: Value for label PRM = 16168885471504 15:27:37.952 DEBUG teleinfo2mqtt: Frame parsed [[object Object]] 15:27:37.968 DEBUG teleinfo2mqtt: Raw frame [RELAIS 000 B ] 15:27:37.968 DEBUG teleinfo2mqtt: Split frame [RELAIS,000,B ] 15:27:37.968 DEBUG teleinfo2mqtt: Value for label RELAIS = 000 15:27:37.968 DEBUG teleinfo2mqtt: Frame parsed [[object Object]] 15:27:37.984 DEBUG teleinfo2mqtt: Raw frame [NTARF 02 O ] 15:27:37.984 DEBUG teleinfo2mqtt: Split frame [NTARF,02,O ] 15:27:37.984 DEBUG teleinfo2mqtt: Value for label NTARF = 02 15:27:37.984 DEBUG teleinfo2mqtt: Frame parsed [[object Object]] 15:27:38.002 DEBUG teleinfo2mqtt: Raw frame [NJOURF 00 & ] 15:27:38.003 DEBUG teleinfo2mqtt: Split frame [NJOURF,00,& ] 15:27:38.003 DEBUG teleinfo2mqtt: Value for label NJOURF = 00 15:27:38.003 DEBUG teleinfo2mqtt: Frame parsed [[object Object]] 15:27:38.149 DEBUG teleinfo2mqtt: Raw frame [NJOURF+1 00 B ] 15:27:38.149 DEBUG teleinfo2mqtt: Split frame [NJOURF+1,00,B ] 15:27:38.149 DEBUG teleinfo2mqtt: Value for label NJOURF+1 = 00 15:27:38.149 DEBUG teleinfo2mqtt: Frame parsed [[object Object]] 15:27:38.196 DEBUG teleinfo2mqtt: Raw frame [PJOURF+1 0000C001 08008002 NONUTILE NONUTILE NONUTILE NONUTILE NONUTILE NONUTILE NONUTILE NONUTILE NONUTILE ( ] 15:27:38.196 DEBUG teleinfo2mqtt: Split frame [PJOURF+1,0000C001 08008002 NONUTILE NONUTILE NONUTILE NONUTILE NONUTILE NONUTILE NONUTILE NONUTILE NONUTILE,( ] 15:27:38.196 DEBUG teleinfo2mqtt: Value for label PJOURF+1 = 0000C001 08008002 NONUTILE NONUTILE NONUTILE NONUTILE NONUTILE NONUTILE NONUTILE NONUTILE NONUTILE 15:27:38.196 DEBUG teleinfo2mqtt: Frame parsed [[object Object]] 15:27:38.211 DEBUG teleinfo2mqtt: Raw frame [ADSC 041864289085 D ] 15:27:38.211 DEBUG teleinfo2mqtt: Split frame [ADSC,041864289085,D ] 15:27:38.211 DEBUG teleinfo2mqtt: Value for label ADSC = 041864289085 15:27:38.211 DEBUG teleinfo2mqtt: Frame parsed [[object Object]] 15:27:38.211 DEBUG teleinfo2mqtt: Ignoring MQTT emission because of emit interval (Emit interval : 10 - Last emit time : 1699626457130 - Current time : 1699626458211 15:27:38.239 DEBUG teleinfo2mqtt: Raw frame [VTIC 02 J ] 15:27:38.239 DEBUG teleinfo2mqtt: Split frame [VTIC,02,J ] 15:27:38.239 DEBUG teleinfo2mqtt: Value for label VTIC = 02 15:27:38.239 DEBUG teleinfo2mqtt: Frame parsed [[object Object]] 15:27:38.269 DEBUG teleinfo2mqtt: Raw frame [DATE H231110152741 = ] 15:27:38.269 DEBUG teleinfo2mqtt: Split frame [DATE,H231110152741,= ] 15:27:38.269 DEBUG teleinfo2mqtt: Value for label DATE = 15:27:38.269 DEBUG teleinfo2mqtt: Frame parsed [[object Object]] 15:27:38.300 DEBUG teleinfo2mqtt: Raw frame [NGTF H PLEINE/CREUSE \ ] 15:27:38.300 DEBUG teleinfo2mqtt: Split frame [NGTF,H PLEINE/CREUSE ,\ ] 15:27:38.300 DEBUG teleinfo2mqtt: Value for label NGTF = H PLEINE/CREUSE 15:27:38.300 DEBUG teleinfo2mqtt: Frame parsed [[object Object]] 15:27:44.098 DEBUG teleinfo2mqtt: Split frame [IRMS1,006,4 ] 15:27:44.098 DEBUG teleinfo2mqtt: Value for label IRMS1 = 006 15:27:44.098 DEBUG teleinfo2mqtt: Frame parsed [[object Object]] 15:27:44.112 DEBUG teleinfo2mqtt: Raw frame [URMS1 240 @ ] 15:27:44.112 DEBUG teleinfo2mqtt: Split frame [URMS1,240,@ ] 15:27:44.112 DEBUG teleinfo2mqtt: Value for label URMS1 = 240 15:27:44.112 DEBUG teleinfo2mqtt: Frame parsed [[object Object]] 15:27:44.127 DEBUG teleinfo2mqtt: Raw frame [PREF 12 B ] 15:27:44.127 DEBUG teleinfo2mqtt: Split frame [PREF,12,B ] 15:27:44.127 DEBUG teleinfo2mqtt: Value for label PREF = 12 15:27:44.127 DEBUG teleinfo2mqtt: Frame parsed [[object Object]] 15:27:44.146 DEBUG teleinfo2mqtt: Raw frame [PCOUP 12 \ ] 15:27:44.147 DEBUG teleinfo2mqtt: Split frame [PCOUP,12,\ ] 15:27:44.147 DEBUG teleinfo2mqtt: Value for label PCOUP = 12 15:27:44.147 DEBUG teleinfo2mqtt: Frame parsed [[object Object]] 15:27:44.183 DEBUG teleinfo2mqtt: Raw frame [SINSTS 01337 T ] 15:27:44.183 DEBUG teleinfo2mqtt: Split frame [SINSTS,01337,T ] 15:27:44.183 DEBUG teleinfo2mqtt: Value for label SINSTS = 01337 15:27:44.183 DEBUG teleinfo2mqtt: Frame parsed [[object Object]] 15:27:44.221 DEBUG teleinfo2mqtt: Raw frame [SMAXSN H231110065319 04400 5 ] 15:27:44.221 DEBUG teleinfo2mqtt: Split frame [SMAXSN,H231110065319,04400,5 ] 15:27:44.221 DEBUG teleinfo2mqtt: Value for label SMAXSN = 04400 15:27:44.221 DEBUG teleinfo2mqtt: Frame parsed [[object Object]] 15:27:44.256 DEBUG teleinfo2mqtt: Raw frame [SMAXSN-1 H231109090852 05140 ] ] 15:27:44.256 DEBUG teleinfo2mqtt: Split frame [SMAXSN-1,H231109090852,05140,] ] 15:27:44.256 DEBUG teleinfo2mqtt: Value for label SMAXSN-1 = 05140 15:27:44.256 DEBUG teleinfo2mqtt: Frame parsed [[object Object]] 15:27:44.293 DEBUG teleinfo2mqtt: Raw frame [CCASN H231110150000 01075 6 ] 15:27:44.293 DEBUG teleinfo2mqtt: Split frame [CCASN,H231110150000,01075,6 ] 15:27:44.293 DEBUG teleinfo2mqtt: Value for label CCASN = 01075 15:27:44.293 DEBUG teleinfo2mqtt: Frame parsed [[object Object]] 15:27:44.325 DEBUG teleinfo2mqtt: Raw frame [CCASN-1 H231110140000 01103 K ] 15:27:44.325 DEBUG teleinfo2mqtt: Split frame [CCASN-1,H231110140000,01103,K ] 15:27:44.326 DEBUG teleinfo2mqtt: Value for label CCASN-1 = 01103 15:27:44.326 DEBUG teleinfo2mqtt: Frame parsed [[object Object]] 15:27:44.347 DEBUG teleinfo2mqtt: Raw frame [UMOY1 H231110152000 238 + ] 15:27:44.347 DEBUG teleinfo2mqtt: Split frame [UMOY1,H231110152000,238,+ ] 15:27:44.347 DEBUG teleinfo2mqtt: Value for label UMOY1 = 238 15:27:44.347 DEBUG teleinfo2mqtt: Frame parsed [[object Object]] 15:27:44.396 DEBUG teleinfo2mqtt: Raw frame [STGE 003AC401 Q ] 15:27:44.396 DEBUG teleinfo2mqtt: Split frame [STGE,003AC401,Q ] 15:27:44.396 DEBUG teleinfo2mqtt: Value for label STGE = 003AC401 15:27:44.396 DEBUG teleinfo2mqtt: Frame parsed [[object Object]] 15:27:44.423 DEBUG teleinfo2mqtt: Raw frame [MSG1 PAS DE MESSAGE < ] 15:27:44.423 DEBUG teleinfo2mqtt: Split frame [MSG1,PAS DE MESSAGE ,< ] 15:27:44.423 DEBUG teleinfo2mqtt: Value for label MSG1 = PAS DE MESSAGE
15:27:44.423 DEBUG teleinfo2mqtt: Frame parsed [[object Object]] 15:27:44.440 DEBUG teleinfo2mqtt: Raw frame [PRM 16168885471504 A ] 15:27:44.440 DEBUG teleinfo2mqtt: Split frame [PRM,16168885471504,A ] 15:27:44.440 DEBUG teleinfo2mqtt: Value for label PRM = 16168885471504 15:27:44.440 DEBUG teleinfo2mqtt: Frame parsed [[object Object]] 15:27:44.456 DEBUG teleinfo2mqtt: Raw frame [RELAIS 000 B ] 15:27:44.456 DEBUG teleinfo2mqtt: Split frame [RELAIS,000,B ] 15:27:44.456 DEBUG teleinfo2mqtt: Value for label RELAIS = 000 15:27:44.456 DEBUG teleinfo2mqtt: Frame parsed [[object Object]] 15:27:44.472 DEBUG teleinfo2mqtt: Raw frame [NTARF 02 O ] 15:27:44.472 DEBUG teleinfo2mqtt: Split frame [NTARF,02,O ] 15:27:44.472 DEBUG teleinfo2mqtt: Value for label NTARF = 02 15:27:44.472 DEBUG teleinfo2mqtt: Frame parsed [[object Object]] 15:27:44.490 DEBUG teleinfo2mqtt: Raw frame [NJOURF 00 & ] 15:27:44.490 DEBUG teleinfo2mqtt: Split frame [NJOURF,00,& ] 15:27:44.490 DEBUG teleinfo2mqtt: Value for label NJOURF = 00 15:27:44.491 DEBUG teleinfo2mqtt: Frame parsed [[object Object]] 15:27:44.637 DEBUG teleinfo2mqtt: Raw frame [NJOURF+1 00 B ] 15:27:44.637 DEBUG teleinfo2mqtt: Split frame [NJOURF+1,00,B ] 15:27:44.637 DEBUG teleinfo2mqtt: Value for label NJOURF+1 = 00 15:27:44.637 DEBUG teleinfo2mqtt: Frame parsed [[object Object]] 15:27:44.684 DEBUG teleinfo2mqtt: Raw frame [PJOURF+1 0000C001 08008002 NONUTILE NONUTILE NONUTILE NONUTILE NONUTILE NONUTILE NONUTILE NONUTILE NONUTILE ( ] 15:27:44.684 DEBUG teleinfo2mqtt: Split frame [PJOURF+1,0000C001 08008002 NONUTILE NONUTILE NONUTILE NONUTILE NONUTILE NONUTILE NONUTILE NONUTILE NONUTILE,( ] 15:27:44.684 DEBUG teleinfo2mqtt: Value for label PJOURF+1 = 0000C001 08008002 NONUTILE NONUTILE NONUTILE NONUTILE NONUTILE NONUTILE NONUTILE NONUTILE NONUTILE 15:27:44.684 DEBUG teleinfo2mqtt: Frame parsed [[object Object]] 15:27:44.699 DEBUG teleinfo2mqtt: Raw frame [ADSC 041864289085 D ] 15:27:44.699 DEBUG teleinfo2mqtt: Split frame [ADSC,041864289085,D ] 15:27:44.699 DEBUG teleinfo2mqtt: Value for label ADSC = 041864289085 15:27:44.699 DEBUG teleinfo2mqtt: Frame parsed [[object Object]] 15:27:44.699 DEBUG teleinfo2mqtt: Ignoring MQTT emission because of emit interval (Emit interval : 10 - Last emit time : 1699626457130 - Current time : 1699626464699 15:27:44.727 DEBUG teleinfo2mqtt: Raw frame [VTIC 02 J ] 15:27:44.727 DEBUG teleinfo2mqtt: Split frame [VTIC,02,J ] 15:27:44.727 DEBUG teleinfo2mqtt: Value for label VTIC = 02 15:27:44.727 DEBUG teleinfo2mqtt: Frame parsed [[object Object]] 15:27:44.757 DEBUG teleinfo2mqtt: Raw frame [DATE H231110152748 D ] 15:27:44.757 DEBUG teleinfo2mqtt: Split frame [DATE,H231110152748,D ] 15:27:44.757 DEBUG teleinfo2mqtt: Value for label DATE = 15:27:44.757 DEBUG teleinfo2mqtt: Frame parsed [[object Object]] 15:27:44.788 DEBUG teleinfo2mqtt: Raw frame [NGTF H PLEINE/CREUSE \ ] 15:27:44.788 DEBUG teleinfo2mqtt: Split frame [NGTF,H PLEINE/CREUSE ,\ ] 15:27:44.788 DEBUG teleinfo2mqtt: Value for label NGTF = H PLEINE/CREUSE 15:27:44.788 DEBUG teleinfo2mqtt: Frame parsed [[object Object]] 15:27:44.810 DEBUG teleinfo2mqtt: Raw frame [LTARF HEURE PLEINE A ] 15:27:44.810 DEBUG teleinfo2mqtt: Split frame [LTARF, HEURE PLEINE ,A ] 15:27:44.810 DEBUG teleinfo2mqtt: Value for label LTARF = HEURE PLEINE 15:27:44.810 DEBUG teleinfo2mqtt: Frame parsed [[object Object]] 15:27:44.834 DEBUG teleinfo2mqtt: Raw frame [EAST 034557076 4 ] 15:27:44.834 DEBUG teleinfo2mqtt: Split frame [EAST,034557076,4 ] 15:27:44.834 DEBUG teleinfo2mqtt: Value for label EAST = 034557076 15:27:44.834 DEBUG teleinfo2mqtt: Frame parsed [[object Object]] 15:27:44.858 DEBUG teleinfo2mqtt: Raw frame [EASF01 010331379 = ] 15:27:44.858 DEBUG teleinfo2mqtt: Split frame [EASF01,010331379,= ] 15:27:44.858 DEBUG teleinfo2mqtt: Value for label EASF01 = 010331379 15:27:44.858 DEBUG teleinfo2mqtt: Frame parsed [[object Object]] 15:27:44.882 DEBUG teleinfo2mqtt: Raw frame [EASF02 024225697 H ] 15:27:44.882 DEBUG teleinfo2mqtt: Split frame [EASF02,024225697,H ] 15:27:44.882 DEBUG teleinfo2mqtt: Value for label EASF02 = 024225697 15:27:44.882 DEBUG teleinfo2mqtt: Frame parsed [[object Object]]

Makokoy79 commented 10 months ago

Re :-) Autre information que je n'avais pas vue dans le journal de mosquitto :

2023-11-11 17:34:06: New client connected from as mqttjs_1997842f (p2, c1, k60, u'mqtt'). 2023-11-11 17:34:16: Client mqttjs_1997842f disconnected due to malformed packet.

IL s'agirait bien apparemment d'une trame mal interprétée.

fmartinou commented 9 months ago

Released as 9.0.3.