fmartinou / whats-up-docker

What's up Docker ( aka WUD ) gets you notified when a new version of your Docker Container is available.
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Auto Update with portainer #154

Closed legolas0802 closed 2 years ago

legolas0802 commented 2 years ago

to create my containers I use a stack of containers for each of them. this way I get multiple docker-compose.yml files placed in various folders. Is there a configuration that sees this situation?

fmartinou commented 2 years ago


"In theory", you can set up multiple triggers of the same type so you should be able to set one trigger per compose file.

Something like

version: '3'

    image: fmartinou/whats-up-docker
    - /etc/one/docker-compose.yml:/wud/one/docker-compose.yml
    - /etc/two/docker-compose.yml:/wud/two/docker-compose.yml
    - /etc/three/docker-compose.yml:/wud/three/docker-compose.yml
      - WUD_TRIGGER_DOCKERCOMPOSE_ONE_FILE=/wud/one/docker-compose.yml
      - WUD_TRIGGER_DOCKERCOMPOSE_TWO_FILE=/wud/two/docker-compose.yml
      - WUD_TRIGGER_DOCKERCOMPOSE_THREE_FILE=/wud/three/docker-compose.yml

I haven't tested it myself but it should work 🤞 Let me know ;)

legolas0802 commented 2 years ago

i tried the following setup:

      - /appdata/wud/:/store
      - /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock
      - /srv/dev-disk-by-uuid-c3ea17fc-639f-4af1-967a-453f4d0e6b8e/Container/volumes/portainer_data/_data/compose:/wud
      - 3000:3000
        - PUID=1000
        - PGID=100
        - TZ=Europe/Rome
        - WUD_TRIGGER_DOCKERCOMPOSE_PLEX=/wud/1/docker-compose.yml
        - WUD_TRIGGER_DOCKERCOMPOSE_ADGUARD=/wud/5/docker-compose.yml
        - WUD_TRIGGER_DOCKERCOMPOSE_JACKET_FILE=/wud/8/docker-compose.yml
        - WUD_TRIGGER_DOCKERCOMPOSE_TAUTULLI_FILE=/wud/11/docker-compose.yml
        - WUD_TRIGGER_DOCKERCOMPOSE_HOMEASSISTANT_FILE=/wud/12/docker-compose.yml

of the 7 triggers only 4 are recognized, excluding the mqtt one, the remaining 3 (homeassistant, jacket and tautulli) work correctly. Any idea why he doesn't recognize others?

fmartinou commented 2 years ago


Any errors in the logs at startup indicating if something went wrong when loading the configurations of the missing triggers?

legolas0802 commented 2 years ago

this is the log:

16:44:45.109  INFO whats-up-docker: What's up Docker? is starting (version = latest)
16:44:45.110  INFO whats-up-docker/store: Load store from (/store/wud.json)
16:44:45.116  INFO whats-up-docker/prometheus: Init Prometheus module
16:44:45.182  INFO whats-up-docker/registry: Register all components of kind trigger for provider mqtt
16:44:45.397  INFO whats-up-docker/trigger.mqtt.mosquitto: Register with configuration {"url":"mqtt://","user":"mauro","password":"p4ss3r0tt0.1","hass":{"enabled":true,"prefix":"homeassistant"},"topic":"wud/container","threshold":"all","mode":"simple","once":true,"simpletitle":"New ${kind} found for container ${name}","simplebody":"Container ${name} running with ${kind} ${local} can be updated to ${kind} ${remote}\n${link}","batchtitle":"${count} updates available","key":"p**********1"}
16:44:45.424  INFO whats-up-docker/registry: Register all components of kind trigger for provider dockercompose
16:44:45.446  INFO whats-up-docker/trigger.dockercompose.jacket: Register with configuration {"file":"/wud/8/docker-compose.yml","prune":true,"dryrun":false,"backup":false,"threshold":"all","mode":"simple","once":true,"simpletitle":"New ${kind} found for container ${name}","simplebody":"Container ${name} running with ${kind} ${local} can be updated to ${kind} ${remote}\n${link}","batchtitle":"${count} updates available"}
16:44:45.446  INFO whats-up-docker/trigger.dockercompose.tautulli: Register with configuration {"file":"/wud/11/docker-compose.yml","prune":true,"dryrun":false,"backup":false,"threshold":"all","mode":"simple","once":true,"simpletitle":"New ${kind} found for container ${name}","simplebody":"Container ${name} running with ${kind} ${local} can be updated to ${kind} ${remote}\n${link}","batchtitle":"${count} updates available"}
16:44:45.447  INFO whats-up-docker/trigger.dockercompose.homeassistant: Register with configuration {"file":"/wud/12/docker-compose.yml","dryrun":true,"prune":false,"backup":false,"threshold":"all","mode":"simple","once":true,"simpletitle":"New ${kind} found for container ${name}","simplebody":"Container ${name} running with ${kind} ${local} can be updated to ${kind} ${remote}\n${link}","batchtitle":"${count} updates available"}
16:44:45.447  WARN whats-up-docker/registry: Some triggers failed to register (Error when registering component dockercompose ("file" is required))
16:44:46.103  INFO whats-up-docker/registry.ghcr: Register with configuration {}
16:44:46.104  INFO whats-up-docker/registry.hotio: Register with configuration {}
16:44:46.110  INFO whats-up-docker/registry.hub: Register with configuration {}
16:44:46.111  INFO whats-up-docker/registry.lscr: Register with configuration {}
16:44:46.112  INFO whats-up-docker/registry.quay: Register with configuration {}
16:44:46.113  INFO whats-up-docker/registry: No Watcher configured => Init a default one (Docker with default options)
16:44:46.550  INFO whats-up-docker/watcher.docker.local: Register with configuration {"socket":"/var/run/docker.sock","port":2375,"cron":"0 * * * *","watchbydefault":true,"watchall":false,"watchevents":true}
16:44:46.550  INFO whats-up-docker/watcher.docker.local: Cron scheduled (0 * * * *)
16:44:46.557  INFO whats-up-docker/registry: No authentication configured => Allow anonymous access
16:44:46.562  INFO whats-up-docker/authentication.anonymous.anonymous: Register with configuration {}
16:44:46.565  WARN whats-up-docker: Anonymous authentication is enabled; please make sure that the app is not exposed to unsecure networks
16:44:46.569  INFO whats-up-docker/api: Server listening on port 3000 (HTTP)
16:44:47.556  INFO whats-up-docker/watcher.docker.local: Cron started (0 * * * *)
16:44:47.563  INFO whats-up-docker/watcher.docker.local: Listening to docker events
fmartinou commented 2 years ago
16:44:45.447  WARN whats-up-docker/registry: Some triggers failed to register (Error when registering component dockercompose ("file" is required))

Some triggers seem not to be properly configured.

For example, for Plex you have

- WUD_TRIGGER_DOCKERCOMPOSE_PLEX=/wud/1/docker-compose.yml

whereas the expected configuration is

- WUD_TRIGGER_DOCKERCOMPOSE_PLEX_FILE=/wud/1/docker-compose.yml

This is probably the same issue for the other triggers that are failing.

legolas0802 commented 2 years ago

thanks, copy and paste error, i didn't realize it. Everything ok now

royto commented 2 years ago

Any updates about this ?

fmartinou commented 2 years ago

Hi @royto

Any updates about this ?

About what exactly? According to the last message of @legolas0802, it seems to be working. If so, I can close the issue... unless you have another issue to report? 🤔

royto commented 2 years ago

sorry wrong issue ...