fmartinou / whats-up-docker

What's up Docker ( aka WUD ) gets you notified when a new version of your Docker Container is available.
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Containing not picked up by w-u-d #214

Open greggo74 opened 1 year ago

greggo74 commented 1 year ago

Any ideas why a container would not be picked up by my WUD? It's detected all of my containers except Sickchill from Docker Hub. linuxserver/sickchill.

fmartinou commented 1 year ago

Are you sure your sickchill container is running (no crash loop)?

Did you see any errors in the logs? (you can temporary enable debug logs to better observe what's going on)

greggo74 commented 1 year ago

Thanks for the guidance.

Ok, so the logs say: 21:56:59.221 WARN whats-up-docker/watcher.docker.local: Cannot get a reliable tag for this image [sha256:a344077d3e9a931c489f8e73a228ac05ad0b6c8f25d74fdc2ee4b55348a064d2], 21:56:59.225 WARN whats-up-docker/watcher.docker.local: Cannot get a reliable tag for this image [sha256:865cf80216271c24f1ec2430782d5c4d5b94ad2e50081635a160d3e4a0381b34],

I cross-checked these image ids with the images in portainer and can see they are the in-use image for sickchill and portainer but they are not the latest image available that is downloaded.

They are the only 2 dockers I have that aren't already using the :latest image for that docker and instead of showing linuxserver/sickchill: in the container it shows that image id number, and in images it shows linuxserver/sickchill:.

Containers: sickchill running - a344077d3e9a 2022-12-02 22:18:25 - - administrators portainer running - 865cf8021627 web running - nginx:latest 2023-01-17 22:18:02

Images: sha256:a344077d3e9a931c489f8e73a228ac... linuxserver/sickchill: sha256:d09403511b986fa4aece39c7709293... Unused linuxserver/sickchill:latest

I recreated the sickhill container from the latest image and it then correctly showed up, I guess because the container page was also showing: sickchill running - linuxserver/sickchill:latest

So, I don't know if this is a weirdness of portainer showing an image id instead of it's proper name/tag when the latest isn't in use which what-up-docker doesn't like, or if it's a problem with whats-up-docker not being able to handle when the image in use is not the latest.

fmartinou commented 1 year ago


The log Cannot get a reliable tag for this image [sha256:865cf80216271c24f1ec2430782d5c4d5b94ad2e50081635a160d3e4a0381b34]

appears when wud encounters a container running an image with digest pinning.



With digest pinning, wud has no way to get the related version/tag so no way to compare with other tags from the remote registry to determine if there is a newer version.