fmatter / cariban_nps

Data on apparent discontinuous NPs in the Cariban family
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Ye'kwana: what is iyö doing? (ctoyude-223) #69

Closed fmatter closed 1 year ago

fmatter commented 1 year ago

'I don't remember this'?

(ctoyude-223) Ye’kwana (Cáceres Arandia 2021)

mödöje, mödö'kömma chü'ta'da wa iyö, yeeju'ka'jokomo mödö  
mödöje mödö-'kö-mma    i-tü'ta-'da          wa      iyö   i-w-ejuduka-'jüdü=komo mödö  
así    DEM2in-DIM-EXCL INTR.C-acordarse-NEG 1SG.COP DEMin 3S-INTR-caer-LOC=PL    DEM2in  
ad     pro-suf.n-ptc   pref-v.i.o-ptc       v.i.a   pro   n                      pro   
‘así es, de esito nada más no me acuerdo, donde se cayeron’
SpikeGildea commented 1 year ago

DOn't know — seems like the location of the final phrase, but lacks the postposition that would make that analysis viable. Since the final verb is syntactically a possessed noun, iyö could be a determiner on that noun: 'the past/former falling down (place)'

fmatter commented 1 year ago

'I don't remember thisi, [their falling down]i is the only viable analysis.