Closed fmatter closed 1 year ago
I can't make sense of the direct speech:
(ctotapmor-016) Ye’kwana (Cáceres Arandia 2021) yööje 0-i'shaa-'se xxx edö o-wokü-dü susu t-w-ö'dü-'se kün-a'ja-aakö así 3O-pelar-DES xxx DEM1in 2-bebida-POSS.1 seno_con_leche 3.REFL-INTR-decir-DES 3S.PAS-COP-PDI ad adv xxx pro n n adv v.i.a ‘así quiso mostrarle (pelar) xxx, quiso decir "!toma tu teta!".’
(ctotapmor-016) Ye’kwana (Cáceres Arandia 2021)
yööje 0-i'shaa-'se xxx edö o-wokü-dü susu t-w-ö'dü-'se kün-a'ja-aakö así 3O-pelar-DES xxx DEM1in 2-bebida-POSS.1 seno_con_leche 3.REFL-INTR-decir-DES 3S.PAS-COP-PDI ad adv xxx pro n n adv v.i.a ‘así quiso mostrarle (pelar) xxx, quiso decir "!toma tu teta!".’
Could be [edö] [o-wokü-dü susu] 'esto (es) [su bebida la teta]'
I can't make sense of the direct speech: