fmauNeko / MarketBoardPlugin

Market board information plugin for XIVLauncher / Dalamud
MIT License
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[Feature Request] An option to show only HQ items #50

Open GnawtyVeritech opened 1 year ago

GnawtyVeritech commented 1 year ago

Thank you for writing this mod. It has been very useful in shopping for the best deals. Could an option be added to show only HQ items in the future?

Pythyu commented 1 year ago

Very nice idea :) Yes it's completely feasible, i'll work on it. Do you think it's better into the advanced search menu or as a settings in the setting menu ? Advanced search menu seems better for it in my opinion

GnawtyVeritech commented 1 year ago

I think this one might be frequently used enough (especially during patch days or crafter rushes) to have it as an option below or near "Data provided by Universalis".

Pythyu commented 1 year ago

Uhmm yea but I kind don't want to put option everywhere otherwise it might be confusing but yeah what I'll try is make the advanced search menu slimer and a bit better looking. Then add an HQ Only option there. It shouldn't be a problem for long usage since your search settings are saved as long as your game is open. I'd like to show you a picture of what it looks like with my changes but sadly, I can't test currently because of the new update.

Pythyu commented 1 year ago

For now it looks like something like that advsearch2

GnawtyVeritech commented 1 year ago

I think that spot is good. My biggest use case is when I am trying to find the price of an HQ equipment piece, and I use the cursor to highlight it to auto-search (I don't think I've ever entered an item to search for manually). Lately there have been some sellers listing NQ equipment for super low prices, causing me to have to scroll through pages to find what I actually need. Will the filter function even using the cursor highlight method?

Pythyu commented 1 year ago

Yes I'll make sure it works by hovering. Last question, should the HQ Only filter be applied on the recent history as well to see HQ previous purchases only or to current market data alone ?

Pythyu commented 1 year ago

2 sample > HQ Only applied on both market data and history HQOnly1 HQ Only applied only on market data and not on history HQOnly2

GnawtyVeritech commented 1 year ago

Hmm... that is a tough call. As the base FF14 sorts Recent History by date/time regardless of HQ, maybe we can follow their example for now and do the same. So the filter only sorts the price list, not the history.

I think there may be opinions from users going either way, however.

Pythyu commented 1 year ago

Ok for now I'll follow your opinion. If later ppl ask for it I might add a second option or something I'll see

Pythyu commented 1 year ago

Implemented in PR #54

Pythyu commented 1 year ago

Solved (little cleanup of issues ^^) @fmauNeko