fmauNeko / MarketBoardPlugin

Market board information plugin for XIVLauncher / Dalamud
MIT License
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Feature Request: Use Saddlebag Exchange API for Trading #68

Open cohenaj194 opened 1 year ago

cohenaj194 commented 1 year ago

I'm the creator of a project similar to universalis called Saddlebag Exchange. We have a market api that we are using for our website, but it could easily be used by the plugin as well. Our api is very similar to universalis, but we are specifically designed to find trading opportunities instead of just looking up market stats. We are taking the universalis data and just using it in a way that is far more useful to players.

Our search looks at all items on your home server to find the best deals in your whole data center or region. We also compare local marketboard prices to vendor prices to see if the cheapest source of an item is actually to buy right from the vendor (this is very useful for leveling gear and housing items).

Our listings and history api data is also far more advanced than universals.

You can find our api call wiki here: