fmauNeko / MarketBoardPlugin

Market board information plugin for XIVLauncher / Dalamud
MIT License
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[Bug] Crash to Desktop when attempting to add item to Shopping List #84

Open belthesar opened 7 months ago

belthesar commented 7 months ago


When attempting to add an item to the Shopping List, FFXIV crashes hard to desktop. No Dalamud error messages, no dump, and unfortunately, nothing in logs to provide a stack trace to track down the issue. No crash message in Event Viewer either.

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Launch the game with the Market Board Plugin
  2. Search for an item you would like.
  3. Right click on the item, and click "Add to Shopping List"

Expected result:

Item is added to shopping list.

Actual result:

FFXIV crashes to desktop, without an error log or any output.

belthesar commented 7 months ago

Attached VS to grab info:

Base address: 0x00007FF64BC40000 Exception:

Unhandled exception at 0x00007FF8EB051638 (cimgui.dll) in ffxiv_dx11.exe: An invalid parameter was passed to a function that considers invalid parameters fatal.

Call Stack:

>   cimgui.dll!00007ff8eb051638()   Unknown
    cimgui.dll!00007ff8eb051586()   Unknown
    cimgui.dll!00007ff8eb027e9d()   Unknown
    cimgui.dll!00007ff8eaf598e8()   Unknown
    cimgui.dll!00007ff8eaf5985f()   Unknown
    cimgui.dll!00007ff8eafd38ae()   Unknown
    cimgui.dll!00007ff8eaf3a9f2()   Unknown
    [External Code] 
    ffxiv_dx11.exe!00007ff64bf8f1e6()   Unknown
    ffxiv_dx11.exe!00007ff64bf9788e()   Unknown
    ffxiv_dx11.exe!00007ff64bcd335c()   Unknown
    [External Code] 
    ffxiv_dx11.exe!00007ff64bc95f75()   Unknown
    ffxiv_dx11.exe!00007ff64bc995c7()   Unknown
    ffxiv_dx11.exe!00007ff64d2c0caf()   Unknown
Pythyu commented 7 months ago

Hey 👋 Thanks for the report ! I'm struggling to reproduce the issue, 'Add to shopping list' is working perfectly fine on my side. I've got a few questions to troubleshoot this 🔽

belthesar commented 7 months ago

On what system are you ? (windows or Linux/Mac on wine)

Windows 10.

Does it happen every time or only on specific condition ?

There didn't seem to be any special conditions to causing the crash.

If you delete the plugin and re-install it, are you still having the crash ?

The issue seems to have been resolved after reinstalling the plugin! I'm curious as to why however. Does deleting the plugin also delete cached data, local persistence data, that kind of thing? I could see a problem if there was bad data in wherever the plugin stores the shopping list causing a problem if this clears it out.

Pythyu commented 7 months ago

The issue seems to have been resolved after reinstalling the plugin! I'm curious as to why however. Does deleting the plugin also delete cached data, local persistence data, that kind of thing? I could see a problem if there was bad data in wherever the plugin stores the shopping list causing a problem if this clears it out.

Deleting the plugin might delete some cached data of the graphical lib maybe 🤔 The only stuff we're storing are user config. We do have a buffer to store universalis requests when browsing multiple time the same data, but it's only stored in runtime, so shouldn't be an issue. Maybe some corruption/mixup between and old version and a new one, like the new version file was correctly replaced but some older dll weren't and appeared to be up-to-date on dalamud but actually wasn't. But it's just a guess, not really sure.

If it happens again, you can notify me again either on GitHub or discord 😃

belthesar commented 7 months ago

Interestingly enough, this appears to have happened again. Do you know where this data is stored? I'd like to provide a sample of the storage file to see if that helps troubleshooting.

Edit: Found the file, but aside from general config and the history of items I've searched for, I didn't see anything here, so I'm unsure how this would help. What additional data can I collect for you to help you diagnose this?

Pythyu commented 7 months ago

Uhmm 🤔 if you have it happening consistently you can try these steps :

belthesar commented 7 months ago

Heya, sorry about the radio silence here. I appreciate you reaching out!

dalamud.log seems to not be capturing a stack trace or anything, but I'll produce a clean one that replicates the behavior tonight if possible. Definitely interested in capturing that recording though, will also try that as well.

Elypha commented 5 months ago

Hi, so damn lucky that I found this issue discussion sicnce I recently got the same problem and it confused me a lot because of the same situation of the OP that FFXIV crashes hard to desktop. No Dalamud error messages, no dump, and unfortunately, nothing in logs to provide a stack trace to track down the issue. No crash message in Event Viewer either.

Since log was clean at all (no error in the live log via /xldev, dalamud.log or output.log) I wasn't even able to diagnose which plugin, which part of code it may be related to. I also assumed the crash was random but when today I realised that it could be related to marketboard plugin, I found a pattern that the game crashes to desktop punctually 60s after I close the marketboard plugin window. But - ~~setting these two configs to 0 seems to avoid the crash 2024-01-20_22-26-24_663 these config used to be by default 10 and 30000 I think? I don't think I have changed these values since I first know this plugin.~~ nvm, it still crashes

Pythyu commented 5 months ago

🤔 uhmm just in case if you have the dalamud.log and the output.log of one the crash even if it doesn't show any stack trace I'd like to see it. Because atm I have no clue how it's happening :/

Flicksie commented 3 months ago

+1 on the marketboard crashing on adding items to shopping list. happened right out of the box and happens every single time and also no logs. so far no workarounds have worked

belthesar commented 3 months ago

I apologize for not contributing further to the data collection for this. Admittedly, I've avoided/forgotten that this feature exists as I've been playing, and I've been playing less overall as I take a bit of a break pre-expansion.

For the folks still actively playing that might be able to collect data, @Pythyu, could you provide detailed steps for folks to collect info? I imagine less technically inclined folks that are encountering this bug would benefit with clear instructions on how to get you info that you can use to troubleshoot this.