fmoralesc / pastie

a simple *nix clipboard manager with application-indicator support
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Localization plurals #20

Open facciocose opened 13 years ago

facciocose commented 13 years ago

Inside "more" string should use gettext plural form something like : gettext.ngettext("1 more", "%d more" % n, n)

fmoralesc commented 13 years ago

Why, precisely? I there a plural form for "more" in your language or in other languauge you know? I'm just curious. Maybe the wording is too fixed (in some language maybe the numbers should be put after the word, not before)? If that' so, you're absolutely right, the plural form should be used.

facciocose commented 13 years ago

I'm sorry, I didn't explained that in italian "more" is traslated with "altro/altri" so I should use "1 altro" and "2 altri". I think also french and spanish and other neo-latin languages have two distinct forms.

fmoralesc commented 13 years ago

OK, then. I already have the necessary changes done in the code, I'll push later today. I'll close the issue then.

other_files_count = len(lines)-1
label = " (+ " + gettext.ngettext("1 more", "%d more" %other_files_count, other_files_count) + ") "

btw, I'm an spanish speaker, and "more" is simply translated as "más", whatever the number.

facciocose commented 13 years ago

From the spanish translation I see that there is a way to translate "more" without plurals (and more correct

My translation was something like "another one" wich requires plural form.

Sorry for my mistake.

fmoralesc commented 13 years ago

Don't worry. Thanks anyway for your time.

There's no need for the proposed change, that we know of at least, so I'll just leave things as they are. I'll keep this issue open just in case someone else finds there's some need for this sort of change, and I'll tag it as a "possible issue".