fmoralesc / pastie

a simple *nix clipboard manager with application-indicator support
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shortcuts to change clipboard selections #29

Open hulutifikalemu opened 13 years ago

hulutifikalemu commented 13 years ago

hey, i use pastie to handle my transactions better. i copy the account number, the number of the bank, the account holder and the amount to transfer then i paste them into the form of my bank. i have to select them one by one from pastie.

an idea i had: what about selecting the latest copies through shortcuts? e.g. ctrl+shift+number: ctrl+shift+2= second latest copied text and so forth?

i'm not sure whether the combination is still available but it could by used with any other.

do you think it's realizable and do you get the idea behind it?

great software, by the way!

fmoralesc commented 13 years ago

I think it's a good idea, and it's realizable. I'll try to work on this asap. It'll require some changes in the internal protector methods, but that is long overdue.