fmorbini / jmNL

modular NL platform for dialogue agents
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JavaLibs Missing #1

Open matthew-best opened 7 years ago

matthew-best commented 7 years ago

When following the Getting Started instructions, the project generates the following error after being imported:

Project 'jmNL' is missing required Java project: 'JavaLibs'

I have checked the project build path settings, and JavaLibs is listed both in the Libraries and Order and Export tabs. Under the Projects tab, I see a JavaLibs folder with the word (missing) next to it.

What can/should I do to fix the project?

fmorbini commented 7 years ago

the classpath is stored in the .classpath file. That file is used by Eclipse to read/store the classpath. That file may contain incorrect entries or Eclipse state may not be clean. You can run (from terminal) the ant "classpath" task, that will regenerate the .classpath file and then you can refresh the project in eclipse (F5). To clear Eclipse state you can also manually clear the project (Project menu->clean).

you can also build manually using the ant task "deploy".

check the build.xml file to see all defined ant tasks.


matthew-best commented 7 years ago

Excellent, that worked. Thank you!

matthew-best commented 7 years ago

Hello again,

I'm having an issue trying to start the chat GUI with a different character (WikiData instead of CakeVendor) using the -s option for NLModule-ui.jar. When I specify the full path or relative path to the config, it gives me a FileNotFoundException.

Should I open a separate issue for this?

Thank you.

fmorbini commented 7 years ago

yes (open another issue) if it doesn't get resolved quickly. wikidata was an experiment, far from refined. It required a lucene index that is built from a wikidata dump. i believe i left some sort of instructions on how to do that, here: it requires running the methods with appropriate parameters and also

if used for real QA on wikidata, the NLU should be improved significantly (better named entity recognizer, or semantic parser (lexicon based or corpus based)).

btw, i'm not maintaining anymore jmnl as i changed job. I don't know if there is somebody that took over that task, if you are considering using jmnl for research or other applications, you may consider dropping a mail to the NL group in ICT and see what are the plans for the future.
