fmtlib / fmt

A modern formatting library
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can't print volatile void* #4049

Closed ZXShady closed 5 days ago

ZXShady commented 1 week ago

this is the same issue with std::ostream operator that will be fixed in C++23


Dani-Hub commented 1 week ago

What the submitter is referring to is the adopted paper P1147.

vitaut commented 1 week ago

Since {fmt} disallows arbitrary pointers you still need a cast in which case volatile can be omitted. Is there a more compelling example?

Dani-Hub commented 1 week ago

Since {fmt} disallows arbitrary pointers you still need a cast in which case volatile can be omitted. Is there a more compelling example?

I think a more compelling example is that you have actually a volatile T* p for formatting, but it doesn't suffice to add apply static_cast<const void*> to p in your code, but you also need to add another const_cast<const T*> to it first.

ZXShady commented 1 week ago


lets say I have a volatile int* and want to format it I have to do this

volatile int* p = (int*)0xdeadbeef;
fmt::format("{}",const_cast<void*>(static_cast<volatile void*>(p))); // or do static_cast<void*>(const_cast<int*>(p))

if fmt allowed to print const volatile void* then I do not need the last const cast.

the godbolt link was to show that you can't print it

vitaut commented 1 week ago

Makes sense, a PR to avoid volatile void* support would be welcome.