fn2006 / PollyMC

DRM-free Prism Launcher fork with support for custom auth servers.
GNU General Public License v3.0
744 stars 48 forks source link

Can't find minecraft versions, updater doesn't work. #158

Open NancokPS2 opened 3 months ago

NancokPS2 commented 3 months ago

Operating System


Version of PollyMC

PollyMC 8.0

Version of Qt

Qt 6.6.0

Description of bug

Error details from the updater.

 0.000 D | Testing "C:/Users/Puroweso/AppData/Roaming/PollyMC/qtlogging.ini" ...
 0.000 D | Testing "C:/Games/Minecraft/PollyMC8.0/qtlogging.ini" ...
 0.000 D | Loading logging rules from: "C:/Games/Minecraft/PollyMC8.0/qtlogging.ini"
 0.001 D | Setting log rules:
 0.001 D |      "*.debug=true"
 0.002 D |      "launcher.auth.credentials.debug=false"
 0.002 D |      "launcher.task=false"
 0.002 D |      "launcher.task.net=true"
 0.002 D |      "launcher.task.net.download.debug=false"
 0.002 D |      "launcher.task.net.metacache=false"
 0.003 D |      "launcher.task.net.metacache.http=true"
 0.003 D |      "launcher.task.net.upload=true"
 0.003 D |      "qt.*.debug=false"
 0.003 D | <> Log initialized.
 0.003 D | PollyMC Updater , (c) 2022-2023  ? 2022-2023 PollyMC Contributors, ? 2022-2023 Prism Launcher Contributors, ? 2021-2022 PolyMC Contributors , ? 2012-2021 MultiMC Contributors
 0.003 D | Version                    :  "8.0"
 0.003 D | Git commit                 :  ""
 0.003 D | Git refspec                :  "refs/heads/stable"
 0.003 D | Compiled for               :  "Windows 10.0.20348 AMD64"
 0.004 D | Compiled by                :  "MSVC - 19.37.32825.0"
 0.004 D | Build Artifact             :  "Windows-MSVC-Qt6"
 0.004 D | Data dir before adjustment :  "C:/Users/Puroweso/AppData/Roaming/PollyMC"
 0.004 D | Data dir after adjustment  :  "C:/Users/Puroweso/AppData/Roaming/PollyMC"
 0.004 D | Adjusted by                :  "Command line"
 0.004 D | Work dir                   :  "C:/Users/Puroweso/AppData/Roaming/PollyMC"
 0.004 D | Binary path                :  "C:/Games/Minecraft/PollyMC8.0"
 0.004 D | Application root path      :  "C:/Games/Minecraft/PollyMC8.0"
 0.004 D | Portable install           :  false
 0.004 D | <> Paths set.
 0.005 D | Detecting proxy settings...
 0.021 D | Fetching release list from "https://api.github.com/repos/fn2006/PollyMC/releases"
 1.218 C | [launcher.task.net.download]: "{ffa740be-dfc8-4464-afee-b15bc044880d}" Failed  "https://api.github.com/repos/fn2006/PollyMC/releases?per_page=30&page=1"  with reason  QNetworkReply::UnknownNetworkError
 1.218 C | Network request Failed: https://api.github.com/repos/fn2006/PollyMC/releases?per_page=30&page=1 with reason 
 1.218 D | Download "{ffa740be-dfc8-4464-afee-b15bc044880d}" finished
 1.218 D | updater shutting down

Steps to reproduce

Suspected cause

Honestly no idea. Seems like nothing network related is working for the launcher. Tried turning off firewall and antivirus. Changing folder permissions, running as admin, etc.

May not be related, but it also cannot fetch the Curse Forge API key.

This issue is unique