fnagel / t3extblog

A record based blog extension for TYPO3 CMS. Easy to use and packed with features (incl. comments, subscriptions for comments and posts, Wordpress like subscription manager, reasonable email sending in FE and BE, GDPR ready, BE modules, Dashboard widgets, RSS, Sitemap, ...). Flexible and powerful!
GNU General Public License v2.0
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TagCloud #34

Open criwe opened 9 years ago

criwe commented 9 years ago

Build a tagcloud out of all used tags. Maybe count the tags and add some styles, so the most used tags could be formated bigger.

fnagel commented 9 years ago

I would probably add this as an extension.

Any idea what kind of tag cloud we want to use? Just having a different styles link could be done with an VH I guess. Perhaps there is already something out there. Or more something like Cummulus TagCloud? Or something like https://github.com/timdream/wordcloud2.js

criwe commented 9 years ago

I would keep it very simple, just count the used tags and style them depending on their usage. For seo-reason a rel="tag" should be integrated, something like: <a rel="tag" title"mytag" style="...">mytag

webdev2027 commented 5 years ago

Is a tagcloud still planned? Would be nice! Thanks for the great extension!

fnagel commented 5 years ago

Sorry, there a no concrete plans to add this soon. PR or sponsoring is always welcome!