fnal / FPIXUtils

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action items from Scarlet's practice shift #40

Closed jstupak closed 8 years ago

jstupak commented 8 years ago


twiki -bold for safety (25C) instructions -explain what results get uploaded in introduction -remind shifters to wear ESD bracelet in “ending shift” section -move text that tells users to remove modules. Should be done after cold box warms up, but before checkTest -different box for moreweb instructions, etc -moreweb: -instructions - put it in a box of some sort -“choose file” -> “browse” -emphasize tarball, not directory -most recent tarball for module

elComandante -clean up print statements in HV client -change print statement at end of elcomandante - don’t always want to remove modules - after pretest we run FPIXTest - not good to press enter before running checkTest

checkTest -put the helper text on the gui -give tolerance in helper text - ex: 0.38+-.1 -gui is missing numerical values for I(150)/I(100) and I(100) -dist_sig_scurveVcal helper text should say “distributions should peak below 4” -remove plot name from checkTest printout -increase bottom left margins of plots -there is no text for pulse height plots -prevent people from moving plots in checkTest? -BB helper text - “~95% or more of the distribution should lie to the left of the arrow”

uploadTest -add a big blank space between end of one module and the beginning of the next

@drberry85 -recalibrate cold boxes -check RTD adhesive

Purdue -moreweb submit should only accept tarballs

??? -remove letter names from cold boxes -traveler - is it needed? Should it be more of a checklist? Any, correspondence between fields and data from various sources is not clear

jstupak commented 8 years ago

based on Monday meeting:

-ditch paper traveler -elog template on twiki (including checklist)