fnichol / dvm

An on demand Docker virtual machine, thanks to Vagrant and boot2docker. Works great on Macs and other platforms that don't natively support the Docker daemon. Support VirtualBox, VMware, and Parallels.
Apache License 2.0
458 stars 71 forks source link

Unable to locate ps #12

Closed drewcrawford closed 10 years ago

drewcrawford commented 10 years ago

This is a new one to me.


$dvm env
export DOCKER_HOST=tcp://

$docker version
docker version
Client version: 0.7.4
Go version (client): go1.2
Git commit (client): 010d74e
Server version: 0.7.5
Git commit (server): c348c04
Go version (server): go1.2
Last stable version: 0.7.6, please update docker

$ docker run 8242d7285d23
Unable to locate 'ps'.
Please report this message along with the location of the command on your system.

$which ps

$dvm ssh
dvm ssh
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|_.**/ _**/ _**/ __|_______,_|_**/ _**|_|\____|_|
boot2docker: 0.4.0
docker@boot2docker:~$ which ps
drewcrawford commented 10 years ago

Sorry, this turned out to be user error.