fnichol / dvm

An on demand Docker virtual machine, thanks to Vagrant and boot2docker. Works great on Macs and other platforms that don't natively support the Docker daemon. Support VirtualBox, VMware, and Parallels.
Apache License 2.0
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Error response from daemon: client and server don't have same version (client : 1.15, server: 1.14) #49

Open davesag opened 9 years ago

davesag commented 9 years ago

DVM 0.9.0 Installed on OS X 10.10.1 via homebrew.

$ docker version
Client version: 1.3.1
Client API version: 1.15
Go version (client): go1.3.3
Git commit (client): 4e9bbfa
OS/Arch (client): darwin/amd64
2014/11/22 09:20:42 Error response from daemon: client and server don't have same version (client : 1.15, server: 1.14)
$ docker -v
Docker version 1.3.1, build 4e9bbfa

dvm ssh logs me into the boot2docker VM just fine.

However I can't docker build . as it keeps giving me the error "Error response from daemon: client and server don't have same version (client : 1.15, server: 1.14)"

I've tried brew uninstall docker && brew install docker to no avail. I've also uninstalled and reinstalled dvm, virtualbox and vagrant to no avail.

I am also using fig

$ fig --version
fig 1.0.1

and note that fig run db happily pulls down the mongo image and runs it, so clearly some form of docker is working. Is there a known conflict between fig and dvm?

ssmithstone commented 9 years ago

is there an updated on this issue ?

davesag commented 9 years ago

My solution was to uninstall DVM and just let Fig use Boot2Docker

mcandre commented 9 years ago

+1 Same error on my machine.

rubycut commented 9 years ago


gschmutz commented 9 years ago

same problem, my solution was to downgrade to Docker version 1.2.0 and then it works. But of course it would be better if the server would be upgraded to 1.4.1

gschmutz commented 9 years ago

I manged to upgrade boot2docker VM to Docker 1.4.1 and it now works with the docker client 1.4.1. to avoid the error "client and server don't have same version".

Had do build the box using the description "Building the box" here: https://github.com/mitchellh/boot2docker-vagrant-box. I have copied the box with 1.4.1 on my GitHub here: https://github.com/gschmutz/boot2docker-vagrant-box/releases/download/v1.4.1/boot2docker_vmware.box

And finally i had to change the Vagrantfile of DVM to use the 1.4.1 version of the boot2docker_vmware.box. You can find the changed version on my GitHub as well: https://github.com/gschmutz/dvm/blob/master/Vagrantfile. I also had to add support for VAGRANT_TLS so that the docker daemon is started compatible to 1.2.0 version.

mlevin2 commented 9 years ago

@gschmutz thank you! that was driving me crazy.