fnielsen / ordia

Wikidata lexemes presentations
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Compounds not showing in list #153

Closed karlb closed 1 year ago

karlb commented 1 year ago

Looking at https://ordia.toolforge.org/L663452, I see the compounds in the "Compound and derivation graph", but not in the "Compounds" list right above it. I would have expected to see the lexemes "aktivera" and "-ing" (which are shown in the graph) in the list.

This is just an example, I see the same problem for all words I have tried and I don't remember seeing this difference in the past.

dpriskorn commented 1 year ago

I see the same.

fnielsen commented 1 year ago

The parts of the words (compounds) are in the top table. The bottom table is the words where the words is part of as a compound, see and example at https://ordia.toolforge.org/L51113

karlb commented 1 year ago

Thanks for the quick reply and sorry for the misunderstanding. I must have misremembered that it was shown differently.

Also thanks for Ordia, the tool is very useful! I especially like the links to the SPARQL queries for all output.

dpriskorn commented 1 year ago

I suggest changing the title to: "Lexemes that have this lexeme as compound" or something like that so it is more clear to the user. I'll open a new issue.

fnielsen commented 1 year ago