fnogatz / xsd2json

Translate XML Schema into equivalent JSON Schema
MIT License
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ref, complexType in element-tag, documentation in non-leaf-tags - No #8 #11

Open PiQ99 opened 9 years ago

PiQ99 commented 9 years ago

Hey, sry for the delay.

well actually I would like to send you an example, but I dont find a email. Thats why I post an example here and would like to ask you, to edit/remove the post (if possible), so the example isnt available all the time ^^. Or let me know, when you have copied the files for testing.

Thats a part of a complex xsd-file, that was created with the profession tool "Visual Paradigm". I just mention this point to point out, that the schema has to be valid.

In these two files you see, which transformations I have to do atm, to get a useable json-schema-file as output with all specified fields. (and there is an instance (complexType) encapsulated in an element-tag)

Thanks for an answer!