fnoori / Vivyd-Calculator

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Suggestion: On hold, del button should also clear the ansView #78

Closed amairJD closed 7 years ago

amairJD commented 7 years ago

Like the Google calc

fnoori commented 7 years ago

But a tap of C will clear the answer view

amairJD commented 7 years ago

I know, at first glance it seems redudundant.

However, some users are used to clearing the view by holding down del (like with default calc) and having this added may make them feel more comfortable using our app

fnoori commented 7 years ago

That is true, but I feel that if we take too much inspiration from other calculators, we will blend in. It is true that some people are used to Google's calculator clear methods, but I'm certain that many other people prefer a simple button click. What I'm trying to say is that I don't want our glorious creation to be a "copy" of other calculators

amairJD commented 7 years ago

This isn't really something users will see so it won't cause us to blend in.

It's just for case when a user decides to switch to our calculator, types in an equation, changes his mind and holds down delete button. If we have the feature, he won't feel the hiccup for the split second.

It's a small detail, but the small details matter. Especially when we can add them in easily

amairJD commented 7 years ago

It's a win win scenario. By the way, I mean we should still keep the C button. But for the odd person who wants to clr with long click of del, he has that function

fnoori commented 7 years ago

Fair enough, then we should definitely have some sort of animation for the clear as well

amairJD commented 7 years ago

Working on it 😃 issue #88

fnoori commented 7 years ago

Deleted last 2 comments, got it figured out :). It was a silly mistake on my part