fnordware / AdobeWebM

WebM plug-ins for Adobe programs
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File estimate always wrong #24

Open orlandozion opened 8 years ago

orlandozion commented 8 years ago

Hi there, love the plugin, don't know if anyone else is having this issue but the estimated file size in adobe premiere is always hugely different from the actual size of the exported file. It can say estimated file is 5 mb but exports as 47 mb? Have tried multiple ways of exporting, VP8 and VP9, constant or variable quality, exporting in premiere instead of media encoder etc. the estimate is always wrong. If this problem is still unsolved, is there a way I would be able to calculate the correct estimation and disregard the wrong estimate in premiere? thanks so much!

P.s. working in Adobe CC 5015, with the most recent updates to both premiere and media encoder

fnordware commented 8 years ago

Can you give me your encoder settings, including the frame size?

orlandozion commented 8 years ago


Thanks for the fast response, I have attached the same export stats in premiere and media encoder below, As you can see, the estimate was 18 mb, the same settings created 42.7 mb in media encoder. Thanks so much for your support screen shot 2015-11-12 at 2 45 43 pm screen shot 2015-11-12 at 2 46 31 pm

fnordware commented 8 years ago

Thanks for the info, I'll re-examine the way I calculate file size.

One thing though: using a Quality setting will always be somewhat unpredictable because the file size will depend on the video's content. If you're concerned about file size, use one of the Bitrate methods.

orlandozion commented 8 years ago

Hello, thanks so much, the bitrate method is very accurate, Kind regards

donkeykung commented 8 years ago

From my experience it is always kinda misleading. For example I use Variable Bitrate method lately, was using Constant before this and it is always wrong by about 1 mb. I always slowly crawl upwards, like if it says it will be 6mb, i rise it a bit until I see the exact moment where it reaches 7mb. But the final webm usually end's up being slightly above 8mb or sometimes even close 9mb.

You may think that this is normal, but xMedia Recode, a crappy freeware, is way more accurate when it comes to this. The webm produced with that software is usually pretty accurate, like +/- 0.2mb of the estimated filesize.

This feature is important for me because I must keep them below 8mb.

fnordware commented 8 years ago

I'll try to find time to look into this stuff.