fnordware / DCIconverter

Tool for converting RGB images to XYZ and back again
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Normalization in Premiere Pro #2

Open fredfred27 opened 6 years ago

fredfred27 commented 6 years ago

I know you added the option to normalize or not in the DCI plug-in, but with Premiere Pro Jpeg2000 export settings, it is not an option and set exclusively to normalization. Is there a chance you could add a toggle here? Normalization 48/52.37 was created to include D65 without clipping. At 5900K, there would be no clipping at 48/48, hence no clipping with no normalization. My guess is that Adobe chose 5900K because normalization was not necessary at this temperature. That is just a guess on my part.

fredfred27 commented 6 years ago


This is from Color and Mastering for Digital Cinema by Glenn Kennel.

fnordware commented 6 years ago

But even though clipping may not always be necessary, I think it's always supposed to be applied as part of the standard.

If you want to tweak the settings, turn off the color conversion setting in the JPEG 2000 plug-in and run the DCI Converter plug-in in Premiere.

fredfred27 commented 6 years ago

It was set as a "one size fits all" standard. I like the 5900K color temp, and do not want to limit the code value range available when using it. The contrast range in a cinema is limited as it is. I don't like limiting the brightest white when it is not necessary. I do use the DCI plug-in at the moment, but was hoping to have it available in the J2C export setting. I find the export setting to be a little faster with the color transform performed there. Also, it is much simpler than adding a global plug-in to the sequence.

fredfred27 commented 6 years ago

...and if I have not said it before, thank you for these incredible tools!