fnplus / footsteps-app

A search 🔎 engine of experts-led learning paths. Learn by following the footsteps (journey) of experts. 👨‍💻👩‍💻
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[Snyk] Upgrade antd from 4.0.2 to 4.0.4 #110

Closed snyk-bot closed 4 years ago

snyk-bot commented 4 years ago

Snyk has created this PR to upgrade antd from 4.0.2 to 4.0.4.

:information_source: Keep your dependencies up-to-date. This makes it easier to fix existing vulnerabilities and to more quickly identify and fix newly disclosed vulnerabilities when they affect your project.

Release notes
Package name: antd
  • 4.0.4 - 2020-03-23
    • 🐞 Fix AutoComplete clear icon overlap issue on search icon. #22310
    • 🐞 Fix Button align issue when is disabled and wrapped by Tooltip. #22461
    • 🐞 Fix Cascader search need to press down arrow twice to select item. #22216 @Kermit-Xuan
    • 🐞 Fix Carousel cannot works on Snowpack. #22507
    • 🐞 Fix ConfigProvider componentSize not works on DatePicker.RangePicker. #22486
    • 🐞 Fix Descriptions cannot fit to small container width. #22407
    • ⚡️ Optimization Form.Item with multiple noStyle children Form.Item message collection performance. #22410
    • 🐞 Fix Grid broken style using Col without span. #22455
    • 💄 Add InputNumber RTL style. #22434
    • Menu
      • 🛠 Menu inherit line-height from header. #16142 @sheerun
      • 🐞 Fix Menu unexpected scrollbar when show and hide. #22248
    • 🐞 Fix Progress Dashboard won't allow gapDeg to be 0. #22462 @thisrabbit
    • 🛠 Adjust Radio.Group logic that value is undefined should be uncontrolled mode. #22245
    • ⚡️ Reduce Row unnecessary render when gutter is array. #22475 @dolfje
    • 💄 Tweak RangePicker arrow shadow style. #22406
    • 🐞 Fix Select dropdown menu vertical padding. #22251
    • 🐞 Fix Slider tooltip crash when with nullable value. #22482
    • Table
      • 🐞 Fix Table ColumnGroup with controlled sorterOrder not working issue. #22450
      • 🐞 Fix Table border radius style. #22413 @akshatmittal
      • 🐞 Fix Table fixed column height issue. #22367
      • 🐞Fix Table row expand icon show error in ipad. #22334 @BugHiding
      • 🛠 Table column.filter support boolean value. #22277 @xudongdev
      • 🐞 Fix Table filter no working when only set onFilter. #22317
    • 🐞 Fix TreeSelect treeIcon not working. #22437
    • 🐞 Refactor DirectoryTree to fix deprecated warning. #22318
    • 🐞 Fix Typography nest list style issue. #22284
    • 🐞 Adjust Upload onChange return fileList is immutable data to avoid render issue. #22322
    • 🌎 Localization
    • Typescript

    • 🐞 修复 AutoComplete 下使用 Search 时清除图标和搜索图标重叠样式异常的问题。#22310
    • 🐞 修复 Button 为 disabled 时被 Tooltip 包裹时的对齐问题。#22461
    • 🐞 修复 Cascader 搜索时需要按两次向下箭头才能选中问题。#22216 @Kermit-Xuan
    • 🐞 修复 Carousel 无法使用 Snowpack 构建的问题。#22507
    • 🐞 修复 ConfigProvider componentSize 对 DatePicker.RangePicker 无效的问题。#22486
    • 🐞 修复 Descriptions 在小尺寸下无法自适应的问题。#22407
    • 🐞 修复 Grid 下使用不带 span 的 Col 时样式错乱的问题。#22455
    • ⚡️ 优化 Form.Item 有多个 noStyle 子 Form.Item 时信息收集性能。#22410
    • 💄 增加 InputNumber RTL 模式样式。#22434
    • Menu
      • 🛠 Menu 继承标题的 line-height#16142 @sheerun
      • 🐞 修复 Menu 子菜单展开/收起时会出现滚动条的问题。#22248
    • 🐞 修复 Progress 仪表盘状进度条传入 gapDeg0 时仍然有缺口的问题。#22462 @thisrabbit
    • 🛠 调整 Radio.Group 逻辑,valueundefined 时为非受控状态。#22245
    • 💄 微调 RangePicker 箭头阴影样式。#22406
    • ⚡️ 减少 Row 在 gutter 是数组时非必要的额外渲染。#22475 @dolfje
    • 🐞 修复 Select 下拉菜单的上下 padding。#22251
    • 🐞 修复 Slider 使用 nullable 值时弹出提示会崩溃的问题。#22482
    • Table
      • 🐞 修复 Table ColumnGroup 使用受控 sorterOrder 无效的问题。#22450
      • 🐞 修复 Table 边框圆角样式问题。#22413 @akshatmittal
      • 🐞 修复 Table 固定列高度样式问题。#22367
      • 🐞 修复 Table 展开行按钮在 ipad 下的样式问题。#22334 @BugHiding
      • 🐞 修复 Table 在只设置 onFilter 时过滤无效的问题。#22317
      • 🛠 Table column.filter 的 value 定义可以支持 boolean#22277 @xudongdev
    • 🐞 重构 DirectoryTree 以修复废弃 API 警告信息。#22318
    • 🐞 修复 TreeSelect treeIcon 无效的问题。#22437
    • 🐞 修复 Typography 嵌套列表的样式问题。#22284
    • 🐞 调整 Upload onChange 返回参数 fileList 为不可变数据以解决渲染问题。#22322
    • 🌎 国际化
    • Typescript
      • 🐞 移除 Table getCheckboxPropschecked 类型定义。#22391 @geekrainy
  • 4.0.3 - 2020-03-15
    • Menu
      • 🐞 Fix Menu horizontal Item with nest Icon miss margin style. #22021
      • 🐞 Fix Menu item wrong title when setting getPopupContainer. #22182
      • 💄 Optimize the style of Icon in Menu. #22090 @x1mrdonut1x
      • 🐞 Fix Avatar in horizontal Menu margin issue. #22038 #22033
    • Slider
      • 🐞 Fix an issue where the position of 'slider handle' is incorrect in the vertical case of Slider. #22135 @wendellhu95
      • 💄 Fix Slider missing focus style. #22161
    • Table
      • 🐞 Fix ConfigProvider not work on Table filter dropdown. #22133
      • 🐞 Fix Table nest tree column expandable style issue with fixed column. #22131
      • 🐞 Fix an issue where Table filtering throws cannot read property 'map' of undefined. #22096 @yoyo837
      • 🐞 Fix Table expandable column not fixed when selection column is fixed. #22087
      • 🐞 Fix Table filter menu reset not working. #22079 @shaodahong
      • 🐞 Fix Table filter sub menu max height with many items. #22230
    • Form
    • 🐞 Fixed the problem of using custom icons to wrap in Input.Group. #22197 @xrkffgg
    • 💄 Adjust Select single padding style to avoid tweak with dropdown. #22167
    • 💄 Fix Calendar header select ellipsis bug. #22148
    • 💄 Fixed Dropdown content and icons overlapping. #22098 @xrkffgg
    • 🐞 Fix Select ellipsis bug in Firefox. #22101
    • 🐞 Remove PageHeader unnecessary overflow: hidden style,Optimize PageHeader extra buttons responsive design. #22030
    • 🐞 Fix TextArea autoSize don't scroll bottom in Firefox. #22014
    • 🇫🇷 The full fr_FR internationalized text. #22122 @PaulJln
    • RTL
      • 💄 Optimize the style of Pagination in RTL mode. #22155 @xrkffgg
      • 💄 Fixed the icon style with Cascader RTL. #22191 @xrkffgg
      • 💄 Optimize the Checkbox.Group style in RTL mode. #22186 @xrkffgg
      • 💄 Optimize Radio.Button style issues in RTL mode. #22066 @xrkffgg
      • 🐞 Optimize table-pinned style issues that are listed under RTL. #21914 @saeedrahimi
      • 💄 Adjust the direction of the Dropdown icon in RTL mode. #22104 @xrkffgg
      • 💄 Optimize the Breadcrumb style in RTL mode. #22159 @xrkffgg
      • 💄 Optimize the style of the Steps component in RTL mode. #22175 @xrkffgg
      • 💄 Optimize styles in RTL mode with form feedback. #22222
    • TypeScript
      • 🔷 Update the operation type definition of FormList. #22058 @kagawagao
      • 🔷 Update the definition of the trigger parameter for components such as Tooltip. #22043 @wendellhu95

    • Menu
      • 🐞 修复 Menu 水平 Item 使用嵌套结构 Icon 会丢失 margin 的问题。#22021
      • 💄 优化 Menu 中 Icon 的样式。#22090 @x1mrdonut1x
      • 🐞 修复 Menu 收起模式下设置 getPopupContainer 时标题显示错误的问题。#22182
      • 🐞 修复 Avatar 在水平 Menu 中的 margin 样式问题。#22038 #22033
    • Slider
      • 🐞 修复 Slider 垂直情况下拖动节点的位置错误的问题。#22135 @wendellhu95
      • 💄 修复 Slider 丢失的 focus 样式。#22161
    • Table
      • 🐞 修复 Table 筛选功能抛出 Cannot read property 'map' of undefined 的问题。#22096 @yoyo837
      • 🐞 修复 ConfigProvider 没有作用在 Table 过滤弹框上的问题。#22133
      • 🐞 修复 Table 树形结构下展开与固定列配合的样式问题。#22131
      • 🐞 修复 Table 选择列固定时展开列不固定的问题。#22087
      • 🐞 修复 Table 过滤菜单重置失效的问题。#22079 @shaodahong
      • 🐞 修复 Table 筛选子菜单高度溢出屏幕的问题。#22230
    • Form
    • 🐞 修复 Input.Group 中使用 自定义图标换行的问题。#22197 @xrkffgg
    • 💄 修复 Calendar 年月选择菜单内容被省略的问题。#22148
    • 💄 调整 Select 单选框 padding 样式以防止下拉框内容的抖动。#22167
    • 💄 修复 Dropdown 内容和图标重叠问题。#22098 @xrkffgg
    • 🐞 修复 Select 在 Firefox 下异常省略的问题。#22101
    • 🐞 移除 PageHeader 中不必要的 overflow: hidden 样式以修复弹层隐藏问题,优化 PageHeader 右侧按钮的响应式表现。#22030
    • 🐞 修复 Radio 组无法正确换行的问题。#22229
    • 🐞 修复 TextArea autoSize 时在 Firefox 下不会自动滚动到底的问题。#22014
    • 🇫🇷 补全的 fr_FR 国际化文本。#22122 @PaulJln
    • RTL
      • 💄 优化 Pagination 在 RTL 模式下的样式。#22155 @xrkffgg
      • 💄 修复 Cascader RTL 模式下 icon 样式的错误的问题。#22191 @xrkffgg
      • 💄 优化 Checkbox.Group 在 RTL 模式下样式。#22186 @xrkffgg
      • 💄 优化 Radio.Button 在 RTL 模式下样式问题。#22066 @xrkffgg
      • 🐞 优化 Table 固定列在 RTL 下的样式问题。#21914 @saeedrahimi
      • 💄 调整 Dropdown 在 RTL 模式的下拉图标方向。#22104 @xrkffgg
      • 💄 优化 Breadcrumb 在 RTL 模式下样式。#22159 @xrkffgg
      • 💄 优化 Steps 组件在 RTL 模式下的样式。#22175 @xrkffgg
      • 💄 优化表单反馈下在 RTL 模式下的样式。#22222
    • TypeScript
  • 4.0.2 - 2020-03-08
    • Form
      • 🐞 Fix nest Form.Item dynamic remove will warning in React. #21896
      • ⚡️ Form useForm now return same instance for perfermance. #21927
      • ⚡️ Refactor Form.Item render logic that will only render once when children is a pure component. #21991
      • ⚡️ FormContext use a memoized value to avoid trigger FormItem's unintentional renders. #21980 @qiqiboy
    • Table
      • 🐞 Fix Table dropdown popup at abnormal direction. #21905
      • 🐞 Fix Table expandIconColumnIndex display order with rowSelection. #21915
      • 🐞 Fix Table size="small" header background color is not same as other size. #21942
      • 🐞 Fix Table className and style works on wrong node. #21974
    • Select
      • 🐞 Fix Select align issue with empty string value. #21880
      • 🐞 Fix small size Select tag text not align middle. #21940 @xrkffgg
    • Menu
      • 🐞 Fix Menu bottom margin is missing. #21867
      • 🐞 Fix horizontal Menu extra margin of Menu.Item with only icon. #21925
      • 🐞 Fix Menu popup menu overflow issue when contains too many items. #21930
    • 🐞 Fix Badge animation when switch between 10 and 11. #21834 @wendellhu95
    • 🐞 Fix Radio.Button inside Tooltip throws Function components cannot be given refs warning. #21895 @AshoneA
    • 🐞 Fix Descriptions miss style when content is falsy. #21901
    • 🐞 Fix DatePicker cursor style on seperator. #21937 @xrkffgg
    • 🐞 Fix ConfigProvider prefixCls not working on Input.Password. #21953 @tdida
    • 🐞 Fix Carousel dots not align center. #21960 @liusiasi
    • 🐞 Fix Input.Search border style in rtl mode. #21946 @xrkffgg
    • Less
      • 🆕 Add @outline-fade variable. #20227 @Satloff
      • 🆕 Add @form-item-label-height variable. #21912
    • TypeScript
      • 🌟 Improve Form.Item renderProps definite. #21911

    • Form
      • 🐞 修复嵌套 Form.Item 移除会导致 React 报警告的问题。#21896
      • ⚡️ Form.useForm 现在将返回相同的实例以优化重复渲染的问题。#21927
      • ⚡️ 重构 Form.Item 渲染逻辑以使其子元素为纯组件时值变更只会渲染一次。#21991
      • ⚡️ FormContext 使用 memoized 值避免 Form.Item 产生额外的渲染。#21980 @qiqiboy
    • Table
      • 🐞 修复 Table 内浮层组件弹出方向异常的问题。#21905
      • 🐞 修复 Table classNamestyle 作用在了错误的元素上的问题。#21974
      • 🐞 修复 Table expandIconColumnIndexrowSelection 共用时的展示顺序问题。#21915
      • 🐞 修复 Table size="small" 时表头颜色和其他尺寸不一致的问题。#21942
    • Select
      • 🐞 修复 Select 在空字符串值时的样式对齐问题。#21880
      • 🐞 修复小号 Select 在多选模式下 tag 文字不居中的问题。#21940 @xrkffgg
    • Menu
      • 🐞 修复 Menu 弹出菜单底部边距丢失的问题。#21867
      • 🐞 修复 Menu 水平模式下 Menu.Item 只有一个 Icon 时仍然有额外 margin 的问题。#21925
      • 🐞 修复 Menu 弹出菜单超出屏幕高度的问题。#21930
    • 🐞 修复 Badge 数字在 10 和 11 切换时的动画错误。#21834 @wendellhu95
    • 🐞 修复 Radio.Button 上使用 Tooltip 会报 Function components cannot be given refs 警告。#21895
    • 🐞 修复 Descriptions 内容为 falsy 值时样式丢失的问题。#21901
    • 🐞 修复 DatePicker 在分隔符上的鼠标手型。#21937 @xrkffgg
    • 🐞 修复 ConfigProvider prefixCls 在 Input.Password 上不生效的问题。#21953 @tdida
    • 🐞 修复 Carousel dots 控件不居中的问题。#21960 @liusiasi
    • 🐞 修复 Input.Search 边框高亮样式在 rtl 模式下丢失的问题。#21946 @xrkffgg
    • Less
      • 🆕 新增 @outline-fade 变量。#20227 @Satloff
      • 🆕 新增 @form-item-label-height 变量。#21912
    • TypeScript
      • 🌟 增强 Form.Item renderProps 定义。#21911
from antd GitHub release notes
Commit messages
Package name: antd
  • a0309f0 chore: Update test all script
  • 136859a chore: Test case add more delay
  • 154d733 Update index.zh-CN.md
  • 517e753 chore: Update test all script
  • 7dd1ae0 docs: Update changelog
  • 641f5c7 fix: progress rtl style (#22509)
  • e2a9ab4 refactor: import react-slick instead of require (#22507)
  • 011cac4 docs: Update basic.md (#22467)
  • 2668deb update prettierrc (#22506)
  • 3459bfc docs: `4.0.4` changelog (#22505)
  • e744cf5 :up: upgrade prettier
  • d7e8fa2 fix: Col without span prop should keep default (#22455)
  • 41e378a docs: :book: better form demo code naming style (#22490)
  • dfb9f20 docs: :book: TreeSelect switcherIcon doc (#22489)
  • 0519111 fix: gapDegree=0 in Dashboard progress is now working (#22462)
  • 3dd2332 Address diverse users without gender assumption (#22464)
  • fd0038e Reduce unnecesary render with gutter={[7,9]} #22474 (#22475)
  • a577600 Page Header's `backIcon` is also accept the boolean value (#22470)
  • 1472513 fix config provider size (#22486)
  • d33784b docs: Update form demo (#22483)
  • 4e270e1 fix: null value tooltip (#22482)
  • 66e53fb docs: fix BackTop examples hidden
  • 4fcc6f6 fix: 🐛 empty disabled Button align issue (#22461)
  • c2ab9be ♻️ remove SentryBoundary

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netlify[bot] commented 4 years ago

Deploy preview for footsteps-app ready!

Built with commit 1da1eb3409e41dc97a7e613aba31ee00da7154b7
