fnuecke / Circuity

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In-game serial console visualization #3

Closed fnuecke closed 8 years ago

fnuecke commented 8 years ago

Add a GUI / in-world rendering of the serial console's output (instead of just dumping it to Java's stdout).

iamgreaser commented 8 years ago

Well, that was less painful than expected (point 1 has now been ticked):

TODO: ANSI escape codes. But those can come once we have it rendering to a screen.

Either 40x25 or 80x25 will do. It's now stored based on two adjustable parameters (three if you count the tab stop parameter), so feel free to adjust them to suit.

Here, this screenshot should be a good motivation for getting screens working: https://i.imgur.com/dtUoBsH.png

fnuecke commented 8 years ago

Looks great! I agree, 40x25 should be fine for this.

OK, so, next up. For syncing to the client the synchronization stuff is sadly not ideal (as it'd send the full buffer). I'm thinking scheduling a callback on change (once, until it's run), simple put all unprocessed input into a buffer (maybe StringBuilder could even be more efficient if it avoids boxing the chars?), and send the buffer in the callback then clear it - then apply the changes the same way the server does on the client.

Alternatively I might add a SynchronizedDiffedByteArray (name pending) that'd make the assumption that the size doesn't change (often) (when it does, full thing is sent), then keeps the previous sent state and builds a simple diff to send to the client (sending value+indices (less overhead) or the full thing (if there are too many changes)). Downside: the first approach would allow dynamic throttling, this wouldn't (not as easily anyway).

Better ideas?

(I've been thinking of writing a basic RPC framework, but at least a simpler way for components to send data to their client/server part. I can look into that this evening.)

iamgreaser commented 8 years ago

Second approach looks good, simple, pleasant, and potentially reusable for VRAM-based GPUs.

You can still throttle by frameskipping and/or interleaving.

While I designed the buffer system to be fast to write to even when scrolling, it seems that this also has the side effect that when you scroll, you don't get a massive diff, as each unchanged line remains in the same place it was in memory before you scrolled it.

fnuecke commented 8 years ago

Allright, synching of the state is in, as is the rendering API (screen calls a render callback on a device that can draw, in this case the serial console). Currently it just uses the first thing it can find; will be configurable later.

There's still a bug somewhere, in that it doesn't show it's previous state anymore after quitting and reloading the world. Not sure if it's the synching or the serialization. Will test more tomorrow or so. Sleep now.

But yay, progress.

2016-08-31_02 38 46

Edit: so much for sleep .-. Fixed it.