fnzhan / EMLight

[AAAI 2021] EMLight: Lighting Estimation via Spherical Distribution Approximation, [TIP] GMLight: Lighting Estimation via Geometric Distribution Approximation
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Why delete the sigmoid in the output layers? #18

Open tongxueqing opened 1 year ago

tongxueqing commented 1 year ago

Thanks for your wonderful work. I wonder why you delete the sigmoid in the output layers in DenseNet.py in the latter version? And I guess it will be reasonable if self.fc_dist(out) is followed by softmax , since the sum of gt_distribution is one .(https://github.com/fnzhan/Illumination-Estimation/blob/master/RegressionNetwork/DenseNet.py)

fnzhan commented 1 year ago

Hi, I just find including sigmoid will make the network more difficult to converge during training.

tongxueqing commented 1 year ago

Thanks for your timely reply. Can you share how large is the subset when you begin to add schedule for learning rate? And I found you do not save ambient term in the test.py, is it due to the ambient term is not important?

tongxueqing commented 1 year ago

https://github.com/fnzhan/Illumination-Estimation/blob/master/RegressionNetwork/DenseNet.py The if condition does not hold, it is a bug or you intend to do so?

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