fo-am / MongooseDatabaseDotNet

A new database schema and importer program for the Mongoose2000 project.
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Non-matching tables in new database #8

Open bethpreston opened 5 years ago

bethpreston commented 5 years ago

Non –matching tables: Life history – 37 rows different – 2 column names different (AGE CAT – AGE.CAT; Start/End – START.END). Something weird going on with (D) litter and individual codes. Missing column – PREV.NAME

Captures – 259 rows different. All column names different. No date – all are missing (405 records) - initial transponder recorders not attached to a capture Some ongoing work with the multi-transponder individuals - to fix issues with matching ID to transponder

Pups – 7 rows different Missing column - Session

Mate guarding (Oestrus) - Missing column - Time

Other issues:

aidanw commented 5 years ago

I have updated the column names in this commit
However column names with dots in I don't have in my Access database so it would be good to check these.

Missing columns I will have a look at each one to see what is up,

Prev names, I see the issue and will do an update to fix this, though it would be good to have a chat as some are not individual name changes.

In captures the ones with no dates are being given the birth date of the individual (I cannot find my notes on why this is the case) but I don't see that this has to be the case.

In pups we did agree that session was not being used and could be dropped, is that not the case any more?

For the 'weird' things and more complex queries it would be good to meet up so you can demo them to me exactly.

aidanw commented 5 years ago

replace spaces in views with . so that R is happy also '/'s in column names.

Import Session (am/pm) columns and add to views

Transponders. It is possible for an individual to have multiple transponders so make a table for them

problems from unmarked pups being the same individual,

individuals and packs (and other things) with leading / trailing spaces, trim the spaces off on import.

Look at R scripts for comparing data and doing the analysis and see if I can make head or tail of them.

add comment when adding an capture with no date to say it has been changed to the birthdate of the individual. (or whatever the START code is for those individuals)

Captures table, look at multi transponders and those empty dates...