Closed farooqbutt closed 2 years ago
you mixed up something. This code does a CMoveRequest. A Move works in that way, that the PACS server creates a new separate association and sends the requested data to the move-destination. the response that you get in the cmove.OnResponseReceived is just some status update so that you know how how fast it's going on. But the images are arriving on the StoreSCP that is configured on the PACS with the aetitle. If you want to receive the images on the same association as your request, then you have to send a CGetRequest. But sadly many PACS systems out there do not support CGet. I think MedicalConnections should support CGet. In the CGet association there are 2 callbacks: the CGetRequest.OnResponseReceived is only some status-update. the DicomClient.OnInstanceReceived is then the event that is raised with the image datasets.
Right now I am using fo-Dicom in .net core for getting a list of studies of a patient with their PatientID. The code is below for your better understanding:
So now I want to get the image data to show In browser as a picture to users for this patient Dicom file or files, how can we do that please guide. By the way, I am using Medical Connections as a PACS server for getting this patient record. Regards & Thanks Farooq