fo40225 / tensorflow-windows-wheel

Tensorflow prebuilt binary for Windows
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Python crash when running tensorflow 32 bit #144

Open sasansharifipour opened 4 years ago

sasansharifipour commented 4 years ago


I installed this wheel on windows 7 32 bits.

I ran some code, first it throw some warning that your cpu support AVX and then it crash by this error

Problem Event Name: APPCRASH Application Name: python.exe Application Version: 3.6.8150.1013 Application Timestamp: 5c201b63 Fault Module Name: ucrtbase.DLL Fault Module Version: 10.0.14393.2990 Fault Module Timestamp: 5caeb859 Exception Code: 40000015 Exception Offset: 000884da OS Version: 6.1.7601. Locale ID: 1033 Additional Information 1: f419 Additional Information 2: f419a63a49a2df57b723a80593a88e82 Additional Information 3: e2c1 Additional Information 4: e2c181b5a2bed9dd090d71f8ac7769de

What is the problem? How I should fix it?


fo40225 commented 4 years ago

Can you provide some example code that reproduce the problem?

sasansharifipour commented 4 years ago

I trainned some model on a server, I load them and try to predict

    with self.ED_graph.as_default():
        y_pred = self.ED_model.predict(image_data)

here it throws the error. Although I test the code on virtual machine with win7 32 bits, and it's just work fine, but on the actual pc with win7 32 bits it throws the error

fo40225 commented 4 years ago

You may need to check the differences between the two environments, such as the msvc redist version, windows update, etc.

sasansharifipour commented 4 years ago

I installed same windows edition, same python version, same msvc, same update, everything is equal but one of them is on virtual machine and the other one is a real pc. How I could get the actual problem? The error says that ucrtbase.dll crashed but I switched this dll between the two os, the first one worked fine even with the crashed dll, but the other one still throws the error, so I think the problem is some where else, but how I could find the actual problem?

sasansharifipour commented 4 years ago

I tried TF.1.8 but the same error happened.

fo40225 commented 4 years ago

Exception Code: 40000015 means STATUS_FATAL_APP_EXIT.

Have you tried the lastest python 3.6.x? or use Anaconda3 5.1.0.

sasansharifipour commented 4 years ago

I use python 3.6.8

sasansharifipour commented 4 years ago

I tested Anaconda3 5.1.0, but problem still exist.

sasansharifipour commented 4 years ago

@fo40225 I found the problem: It crashes on this line : on the file : C:\Users\admin\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python36-32\Lib\site-packages\tensorflow\python\client\

def call(self, *args):

TODO(b/74355905): Support argument and return value nested structures,

  # and tensor-like objects such as SparseTensors.
  with errors.raise_exception_on_not_ok_status() as status:
    if self._session._created_with_new_api:
      **return tf_session.TF_SessionRunCallable(
          self._session._session, self._handle, args, status, None)**
      return tf_session.TF_DeprecatedSessionRunCallable(
          self._session._session, self._handle, args, status, None)

on the Virtual Machine it works, but in the pc this line will crashes. Do you know what's going on? Why it crashes?