focalintent / FastLED-Sparkcore

SparkCore specific port of FastLED
MIT License
24 stars 34 forks source link

FastLED.h: No such file or directory #include "FastLED.h" #17

Closed suhajdab closed 6 years ago

suhajdab commented 6 years ago

A script compiled without issues a few days ago, now throws this at me: ```lib/FastLED2/examples/FirstLight/FirstLight.ino:6:21: fatal error: FastLED.h: No such file or directory

include "FastLED.h"```

Anyone know what happened? Something at

suhajdab commented 6 years ago

Found the answer: "You need to set the build target version to 0.6.2 (any 0.5.3+ should also work, but why stick with "buggy" versions?)"

robojax commented 3 years ago

Hi @suhajdab what do you mean "set target". where and how? is it referring to hardware setting or something in the code?