focamacho / RingsOfAscension

Rings of Ascension is a mod that uses the Curios API/Trinkets API to add 20+ news rings to your minecraft.
MIT License
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Popping a totem causes the ring effects to dissapear #99

Open Dr-Primal opened 2 months ago

Dr-Primal commented 2 months ago

When a totem pops/breaks in fabric 1.20.1, version 2.0.2, the effects of the rings suddenly dissapear, almost like the rings themselves think that I am dead when in reality I'm still alive. The bug occurs with normal totems as well as modded totems, and has been a game-killing bug that has been the cause of multiple deaths over the course of my modded playthroughs.

Dr-Primal commented 2 months ago

I have a feeling, based on previous issues that I've encountered (eg. ring of flight disabling when traveling across dimensions) that this is part of a much larger issue that is at the core of the mod, however I could be wrong as I am only somewhat recently getting into Minecraft mod developing.

focamacho commented 2 months ago

It happens because the totem removes all the effects the player current has (not only the negative ones). I'll fix this soon, thanks for reporting!